Rich Sources of Folic Acid:
1) Dark green Leafy vegetables:
- Spinach — 1 cup = 263 mcg of folate (65% DV)
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- Collard Greens — 1 cup = 177 mcg of folate (44% DV)
- Turnip Greens — 1 cup = 170 mcg of folate (42% DV)
- Mustard Greens — 1 cup = 103 mcg of folate (26% DV)
- Romaine Lettuce — 1 cup = 76 mcg of folate (19% DV)
2) Asparagus
3) Brocoli
4) Citrus fruits
- Papaya — One papaya = 115 mcg of folate (29% DV)
- Oranges — One orange = 40 mcg of folate (10% DV)
- Grapefruit — One grapefruit = 30 mcg of folate (8% DV)
- Strawberries — 1 cup = 25 mcg of folate (6.5% DV)
- Raspberries — 1 cup = 14 mcg of folate (4% DV)
5) Beans and peas
- Lentils — 1 cup = 358 mcg of folate (90% DV)
- Pinto Beans — 1 cup = 294 mcg of folate (74% DV)
- Garbanzo Beans — 1 cup = 282 mcg of folate (71% DV)
- Black Beans — 1 cup = 256 mcg of folate (64% DV)
- Navy Beans — 1 cup = 254 mcg of folate (64% DV)
- Kidney Beans — 1 cup = 229 mcg of folate (57% DV)
- Lima Beans — 1 cup = 156 mcg of folate (39% DV)
- Split Peas — 1 cup = 127 mcg of folate (32% DV)
- Green Peas — 1 cup = 101 mcg of folate (25% DV)
- Green Beans — 1 cup = 42 mcg of folate (10% DV)
6) Avocado
7) Seeds and nuts
8) Beetroot
9) Carrot
10) Celery
Sources for Calcium
Calcium is readily absorbed if there is enough magnesium in the vicinity.
- Green Leafy vegetables: – spinach
- Sesame seeds
- Dry fruits: figs, dates
- Beans
- Dry herbs
- Custard apple
Sources for Iron
Iron is readily absorbed in presence of Vitamin C, so ensure good vitamin supplementation too along with the iron sources.
- Spinach
- Lentils
- Peas
- soya bean
- Beet root
- Dry fruits – figs, dates
- Nuts
- Liver
- Whole grains
- Tofu
An ideal supplemental Menu:
Here I can give you a sample menu to get a good portion of the natural vitamins, minerals and proteins:
- Drink adequate fluids intermittently – fresh water
- Green Leaf Soup – spinach leaves, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, lentils, and coriander leaves all may be used.
- A daily serving of figs, almonds, dates.
- A daily serving of citrus fruits as whole fruits and juices(unfiltered)
- Eat salads and raw vegetables several times a day.
- Add some good source of omega-3 like flax seeds
- Add some probiotics to help in absorption and assimilation.
- Keep watch on fish and meat intake – beef liver is a good source for Vitamin B12
And if still you have some problems, there are ways to clears problems of assimilation and lack of absorption through homeopathic remedying. In severe cases of deficiencies, parenteral nutritional supplementation too may be tried.
[sws_green_box box_size=”600″] Article by,
Dr Arif Hussain T M
Homeopath, Nutritionist, Acupuncturist
We Care Life – Homeopathic General Medicine Clinic, Calicut.
Email : , PH: +91 940 096 8236[/sws_green_box]
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