
Ways To Make Your Husband Happy

loving hushand

16. Leave a love note in your husband’s briefcase or in the car.

Just  a sentence telling him that he means so much to you. If you pack a lunch for your husband to take to work, from time to time sneak in a little love note or sweet poem. If he doesn’t take a lunch, leave the note somewhere else for him to find, like in his briefcase, or wallet or on the car steering-wheel

17. Remind your husband that he is the sexiest man you ever set eyes on.

18. Listen and obey 

Obeying your husband is obligatory! Your husband is the head of the household. Give him that right and respect. Always seek to please your husband.

19. An argument is a fire in the house

Extinguish it with a simple ‘I’m sorry’ even if it is not your fault. When you fight back, you are only adding wood to the fire. Watch how sweetly an argument will end when you just say sincerely, “Look, I’m sorry. Let’s be friends.”

20. Thank your husband constantly for the nice things he does

Then thank him again. This is one of the most important techniques, as the opposite (ungratefulness) is a characteristic of the women of hellfire.

21. Joke and play games with your husband

A man’s secret: they seek women who are light-hearted and have a sense of humor.

22. Dress pleasantly/attractively. If you are a home-maker, don’t stay in your sleeping suit all day. . Use your beauty to win the heart of your husband

greeting husband

23. When your husband comes home, greet him with a wonderful greeting

Imagine your husband coming home to a clean house, an exquisitely dressed wife, a dinner prepared with care, children clean and sweet smelling, a clean bedroom – what would this do to his love for you? Now imagine what the opposite does to him.

24. Purposefully try to understand his feelings—even when you disagree with him..

25. Foster an atmosphere of laughter in your home. Look for ways to laugh together.

26. Don’t lay out all your problems on your husband as soon as he walks in. Give him a little mental break.

27. Absolutely no talking about your spousal problems to anyone you meet, not even under the pretense of seeking help! If you think you want to solve legitimate marital issues, then go seek counseling with the right person .

28. Be kind to your mother-in-law the same way you would like your husband to be kind to your own mother.

29. Learn all the rights and obligations of each other. Focus on fulfilling your obligations, not demanding your rights

30. Race to the door when he comes home, as if you were waiting for him. Smile and hug him.

31. Compliment him on the things you know he’s not so confident about (looks, intelligence, etc.) This will build his self-esteem.

32.Tell him he’s the best husband ever.

33. If he’s in a bad mood, give him some space. He’ll get over it.

34. Thank him sincerely for providing you with food and shelter. It’s a big deal.

35. If he’s angry with you and starts yelling, let him yell it out while you’re quiet. You will see your fight will end a lot faster. Then when he’s calm, you can tell him your side of the story and how you want him to change something.

36. Learn how to tell him what you expect without him having to guess all the time. Learn to communicate your feelings.

37. Don’t get mad over small things. It’s not worth it.

38. Don’t ever, EVER talk bad about him with friends or family unnecessarily. If they end up agreeing with you, you will see that it hits you back in the face because you get more depressed that you have a bad husband–and other people also think you have a bad husband.

49. Husband and wife should discuss and communicate with wisdom with each other to convey what they like and dislike of each other to do or not to do. Do NOT give commands or instructions like he’s your servant.

50. Go out after dinner. Put the kids in bed and steal away with your husband for an ice-cream for a stroll in the park. Your husband will be pleased at spending some quiet time with you.

51. Do not leave the house without his permission and certainly not without his knowledge.

52. Make sure all his clothes are clean and pressed so he is always looking fresh and crisp.

53. Don’t discuss important/controversial matters with him when he is tired or sleepy. Find right time for right discussion.

54. The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.Learn to make his favorite dish.

55. Surprise him with gifts. Even necessities, such as new shoes, can be gifts.

Don’t EVER compare your husbands to other husbands! For example don’t say, “well her husband doesn’t do that, why do you …” (thats a killer!) Be happy with what you have because no one is perfect.

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