Jet black hair is the reflection of the quality of nutrients present in the body, especially vitamins and minerals.
Graying of hair due to aging is a natural process, whereas premature graying is due to vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Lack of vitamin A, vitamin C, protein, iron, zinc, and selenium etc., in your daily food intake can trigger graying of hair.
Also chemicals present in cosmetic shampoos and hair dyes can harm your hair and scalp and also increase the chances of graying. Using natural home- made shampoos and hair packs promote hair growth as well as prevent hair graying.
Here is one such wonderful home-made remedy that helps you prevent premature hair graying.
Ingredients needed
You need Potato peel, 1 cup. The starch present in potato peel acts as a natural colorant and promotes darkening of gray hair.
Take a cooking bowl, pour in the potato peel, add 2 cups of water, and cook it for 5 minutes. Allow it to cool to room temperature, and care should be taken to strain the liquid only after it turns yellow.
After washing your hair with a mild shampoo and clean water, apply the prepared mixture to the hair and scalp area, put on a shower cap, and allow it to dry, and then wash it off with clean water.
In over a few weeks’ time, you will be happy to see darker hair in the place of gray hair.
Try out this magic recipe today
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