It’s an exciting time when you are pregnant and all you wish for is a normal delivery of a healthy baby. We monitor the right diet for you and the baby and get immersed in all sorts of pregnancy care.
It is also the right time for some physical exercise. Follow the right regime of exercise during pregnancy and you can ensure that there are no complications and you can even avoid a cesarean section.
A carefully designed exercise program benefits a pregnant women and her baby by keeping her fit and active during her pregnancy and helps in easing and hastening the process of labor and delivery. They help in better and healthier sleep, faster after-birth recovery, reduced stress and risk of developing aches and pains, high energy levels, improved mood, better self-image, etc.
It is of extreme importance for pregnant women to do light physical activities and continue with her daily household works. EHC brings you videos of some exercises to help the abdominal muscles to minimize strain and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.
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