Does your child have any or most of the symptoms given below?
- Become bored with a task after only a few minutes, unless doing something enjoyable
- Struggle to follow instructions.
- Dash around, touching or playing with anything and everything in sight
- Be very impatient
- Blurt out inappropriate comments, show their emotions without restraint, and act without regard for consequences
If you scored a 3 or more, your child might be facing ADHD!
Of course, all kids (especially younger ones) act this way at times, particularly when they’re anxious or excited. But the difference with ADHD is that symptoms are present over a longer period of time and occur in different settings. They impair a child’s ability to function socially, academically, and at home.
The good news is that with proper treatment, kids with ADHD can learn to successfully live with and manage their symptoms.
Research links smoking during pregnancy to later ADHD in a child. Other risk factors may include premature delivery, very low birth weight, and injuries to the brain at birth.
Some studies have even suggested a link between excessive early television watching and future attention problems. Parents should follow the American Academy of Pediatrics’ (AAP) guidelines, which say that children under 2 years old should not have any “screen time” (TV, DVDs or videotapes, computers, or video games) and that kids 2 years and older should be limited to 1 to 2 hours per day, or less, of quality television programming.
In most cases, ADHD is best treated with a combination of medication and behaviour therapy.
As it’s important for parents to actively participate in their child’s treatment plan, parent education is also considered an important part of ADHD management.
Tip for helping your child with ADHD stay focused and organized
- Follow a routine. Establish simple and predictable rituals for meals, homework, play, and bed.
- Use clocks and timers. Allow enough time for what your child needs to do, such as homework or getting ready in the morning.
- Simplify your child’s schedule. Make sure your child doesn’t feel bored or overwhelmed with extra activities.
- Create a quiet place. Make sure your child has a quiet, private space of his or her own.
- Do your best to be neat and organized. Make sure your child knows that everything has its place. Role model neatness and organization as much as possible.
[sws_green_box box_size=”600″] Article by,
Anitha Dorairaj
Principal, Bodhi School, PRRAP-21, Puthen Road, Pettah, Trivandrum-695024
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