
Sugar – a silent killer?

not to sugar

Reasons to Give Up Sugar:

1. Sugar is Not Food – It is empty calories with little nutritional value and actually causes your body to steal vitamins from other vital organs in attempt to process the sugar, leaving you undernourished.


2. Sugar Makes You Fat – It is filled with calories that are stored in your fat tissues.

3. Sugar Makes You Nervous – There is a clear link between excess sugar and disorders like anxiety, depression, and schizophrenia, because of extreme levels of insulin and adrenalin.

4. Sugar Causes Diabetes, Kidney and Heart Problems – Excess sugar can damage the pancreas’s ability to function properly.

5. Sugar Kills Your Teeth – Sugar increases the bacteria in your mouth that erodes enamel. The biggest crime is that many popular toothpastes contain sugar which is not required to be put the on the label.


6. Sugar Suppresses the Immune System – Sugar interferes with the body by overtaxing its defenses.

7. Sugar Causes Wrinkles – A high-sugar diet damages collagen.

The average American consumes 20 teaspoons of added sugar each day; that is 2-3 pounds of sugar per week! This is added sugar; not sugar naturally found in fruit, vegetables, grains and milk. The World Health Organization says no more than 10 percent of calories should come from added sweeteners; that is a maximum of 12 teaspoons of sugar for a 2,200-calorie diet. Twenty teaspoons may sound like a lot of sugar to get through in one day, but…


sugar cubes

 Consider the following:

  1. Low-fat fruit yogurt (125ml) contains 4 1/2 tsp of sugar.
  2. 2 slices white bread contains 6 tsp of sugar.
  3. Wheaties (1 bowl & 1/2 tsp sugar) contains 3-4 tsp sugar.
  4. 1 glazed donut contains 6 tsp of sugar.
  5. A 12 ounce Pepsi contains 10 tsp of sugar.

That is a total of 29.5 teaspoons of sugar! It is easy to see why sugar consumption is on the rise when we look at how many foods have added sugar in them.


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