Everyone knows that fairness is a result of an intensive skin care regimen and that it cannot be achieved overnight. But there are several off-the-shelf fairness creams and face masks which claim to provide you with instant fairness. But all it can do is damage your natural skin tone and it is pricey too. The best option for you would be to choose to go the natural way. Here are three home-made face packs that naturally boost your skin tone and gives you instant fairness.
Besan (Gram Flour) – Curd Face Pack
Besan (gram flour) is traditionally used in beauty treatments because of its cleansing and exfoliating properties. It is best against pimples, acne, blemishes etc. It helps lighten dark skin and removes toxins from deep within the skin.
Curd makes skin softer and fairer. Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties help get rid of dark spots and acne.
- Besan – 1 tsp
- Almonds – 4-5 grounded
- Curd – 1 tsp
How to Prepare and Use
Mix the above ingredients to make a fine and smooth paste. Gently massage your face with the mixture. Leave it to dry for 30 minutes. Wash the face with clean and lukewarm water.
Milk-Honey Face Pack
Milk hydrates as well as exfoliates skin and at the same time lightens dark skin. It is a natural cleanser which is gentle and nourishing on the skin. If you have oily skin, milk is not a good option as it can grow more acne.
Honey is nature’s gift to the skin. Loaded with antioxidants, honey boosts fair complexion as well as slows down aging process. Honey helps with tissue regeneration.
- Milk – 1 tsp
- Honey – 1 tsp
How to prepare and Use
Mix the above ingredients well. Gently massage the mixture all over your face and neck. Leave the mixture to dry, at least for 30 minutes. Then wash off with clean and lukewarm water. Do it at least two times a week to see noticeable changes in your complexion.
Papaya- Lemon Juice Face Pack
Papaya can do wonders to your skin as it has skin lightening properties. It clears scars and dark spots. Papain present in papaya is a good exfoliator and helps keep skin smoother and softer.
Lemons are packed with nutrients for both skin and body. Lemons have the ability to lighten dark skin, to improve skin tone. Lemon is good for oily complexion.
- Papaya (small) – 1 mashed
- Lemon juice – 2 tsp.
How to Prepare and Use
Mix well the above ingredients to make fine and smooth paste. Apply the paste gently to your face and neck. Leave it to dry for 20-30 minutes and wash it off with clean and lukewarm water. Repeat it 2 times a week for better results.