
Hormonal Imbalance – How to Know & Fix It

hormone imbalance

With the word “hormones,” visions of raging menopausal women come to mind for most. Popular but wrong picture! Hormonal changes affect everyone from birth to death, yet we seem to have a very negative association with that word.


For women, the most pronounced changes come in their 40s and 50s, but can been seen as early as their mid-30s. However, more and more women are experiencing hormonal problems in their youth like missing periods, low sex drive, infertility, breast cancer, etc., which has a lot to do with not only the lifestyle and diet, but also the pollution, toxins and xenoestrogens (synthetic chemicals that act as estrogen in our bodies) that they are exposed to every day.

EHC lists out some of the most common symptoms of hormonal imbalances.


Persistent weight gain

Yes, there are lifestyle, diet and physical activity components to maintaining a healthy weight, but that is not the end of the story. Many women have underlying hormonal imbalances that make it difficult to maintain a healthy weight. Unaddressed or emerging insulin resistance is one of the most common; small changes in diet — such as eliminating processed foods, sugars and wheat — are steps in the right direction.

Gaining fat and losing muscle

When your endocrine system is under stress, there is an underproduction of certain hormones and an overproduction of others (mainly cortisol). This makes your body store fat for future use, making an increase in belly fat, a clue to adrenal fatigue.

Low libido

One of the most noticeable symptoms of hormonal imbalance is low libido, which starts with disturbed sleep. Without quality sleep, our sex hormone production can diminish.


Can’t make it past mid-morning without some sort of pick-me-up? How about that mid-afternoon crash? It is not normal to feel sluggish, scattered or mentally foggy. Easy dietary changes, such as eliminating wheat and most grains, will help stabilize your blood sugar.

Anxiety, irritability, & depression

Not feeling like yourself? This is not the time for pharmaceuticals. Anxiety and depression are clues that you have an imbalance, toxicity, are overworked, stressed out, and most likely are not nourishing your body the way it needs. Listen to your inner voice and take the actions necessary to meet your needs.

Insomnia & poor sleep patterns

This starts the cycle of physical stress and increases cortisol levels, which directly causes many hormonal imbalances. There is not one area of your life that insomnia doesn’t touch.

Night sweats

For many women, night sweats and hot flashes are the first uncomfortable sign that something is amiss. This is not the time to start hormone replacement therapy, but begin a food journal by jotting down what you eat and drink, how you feel physically, and any emotions that come up after. Many times, our emotions are the trigger that increases internal temperature. The next time you feel the flashes coming on, stop and think about the thoughts swirling around in your mind.

Digestion problems

Gas, bloating, and slow digestion are common hormonal problems that are not usually associated with hormonal imbalances, but may be associated with eating bad foods, not chewing your food, and eating too much. When you do not have optimal digestion, your body is starving because of poor nutrient extraction.


After eating way more than you should have, or having gone through half a bottle of wine, do you look back and ask yourself why? Common causes of cravings and excess eating are adrenal fatigue, insulin resistance, and other hormonal imbalances. Again, minimizing sugars, alcohol, dairy and wheat — although difficult — not only will help control cravings, but your digestive issues as well.

Please note that many of these symptoms can be linked to other physical problems, and a simple blood test can tell you if there are other underlying concerns. With consistent effort applied to improving diet and digestive health, stress management, improved sleep, and consistent physical activity, you can restore your physical and mental harmony.


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