High blood pressure also known as hypertension affects many people around the globe.
In an individual affected with high blood pressure, blood flows through the circulatory system at an abnormally high pressure which can result in heart attack and stroke. High blood pressure is sometimes difficult to be diagnosed as it carries no warning signs or symptoms. It is also known as the “silent killer.”
Unhealthy lifestyle is one sure way to high blood pressure. Sedentary lifestyle, obesity, consuming salty foods, lack of physical exercise, junk foods, and stress etc are the main causes of high blood pressure. Allopathic medicines are used in the management of high blood pressure, but there are home remedies for high high blood pressure; one home remedy is the inclusion of ginger in your daily diet. Read on for more information.
Ginger prevents blood clots
Blood clots are dangerous. High blood pressure can result in blood clots. Clots prevent the easy flow of blood through your circulatory system, sometimes it completely blocks the flow of blood resulting in heart attack and stroke. Make it a habit to include ginger in your daily diet, it acts as a blood thinner and prevents clogging or clotting of blood in your arteries and blood vessels.
Use ginger instead of salt
For many controlling the use of salt in your diet is very difficult. Instead you can try adding ginger in the place of salt. Ginger not only adds flavor to the dish but also helps prevent high blood pressure.
Ginger tea
Ginger is an herb that is well-known for its medicinal properties; it acts a blood thinner. Regular use of ginger in your diet helps to keep high blood pressure in control.
Here is the recipe for ginger tea. To a cup of water, add few tea leaves, few slices of ginger, and boil it for at least 10 minutes. Allow it to cool, add little lime juice to taste and drink. It helps normalize your blood pressure.
Ginger Juice
Consuming ginger regularly results in good control of blood pressure. Ginger is a good blood thinner and helps blood flow easily through your circulatory system.
Here is a recipe for ginger juice. Take a cup of water, add to it some small pieces of sliced ginger, boil it for at least 10 minutes, allow it to cool to drink, and for flavor add little lime juice.
Ginger-cardamom tea
Ginger cardamom tea helps you keep high blood pressure away from you.
Here’s the recipe for ginger cardamom tea: To a cup of water, add few tea leaves, add few pieces of grated ginger and few pods of cardamom, boil it for 10 minutes, and allow it to cool to drink.
Ginger, beetroot, and apple juice
If you take ginger, beetroot, and apple, all the three are known for its individual health benefits. When you combine all these goods things in one drink, then the result is amazing.
Here is the recipe for ginger, beetroot, and apple juice: Take one organic apple and cut it into small pieces, add a few grated beetroot pieces and few sliced ginger pieces. Blend it well using a juicer, extract the juice, add honey to taste and drink it. This drink is an amazing preventive medicine for high blood pressure.
How to make Indian Ginger Tea
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