Women are the greatest gift to men, but they are also the most complicated creatures on Earth. If you want a girl out there to fall in love with you, chances are that you will have to go that extra step to win her over.
That’s okay, though, because you’re probably willing to do anything it takes. This article deals with how to get a girl to fall in love with you. Love is an expressive art, and these steps as just guidelines.
Show her your lovable qualities. People don’t just decide with whom they want to fall in love. Love happens because the people involved have lovable qualities. Love often develops over time, so your job is to show the girl that you’re worth being around.
Get a sense of humor. It’s no secret that girls love guys who can crack a joke or be funny. Practice jokes on your friends every so often, and learn the jokes that work and the ones that don’t work. When you’re alone with a girl, telling a joke can be a great way to break the tension. Remember: if you’re not good at jokes, you can still have a good sense of humor––you just have to love laughing and being around people who are funny.
Be playful. One of the most important things girls look for in a partner is playfulness. So you want to be playful because she probably thinks that playfulness is attractive. Don’t take things too seriously. And most importantly, be able to laugh at yourself.
Have confidence. To be genuinely lovable, you have to believe that you are worth being around. Most girls are not attracted to people who are constantly putting themselves down. So be confident, but not cocky. Know what you are good at. Don’t brag about it or show off, but put these things into your routine and don’t be afraid to let them shine every once in a while.
Eliminate all expectations. Love lives in the absence of pressure. Letting go of your expectations will help you to relax, which will make you more appealing to a girl than if you are uptight and worried. Teach yourself to expect nothing from the girl so that you cannot be disappointed. If she does fall in love with you, you’ll be pleasantly surprised.
Find out what she likes to do. Then do it with her. Doing something that you know she likes has the added advantages that she feels comfortable and safe doing it. If she’s comfortable when you’re out on a date, she’s more likely get close to you, hold your hand, or even kiss you. You may ask her friend what she enjoys doing in her free time, or ask her yourself if you’re feeling brave. (Fortune favors you.) That way, she’ll know that you’ve taken the time to find out what makes her tick, and that you’re ready to go that extra mile to make sure she’s happy.
Give her space. Give the girl control over what happens next. Suffocating her and bullying her into a relationship will do the opposite of what you’re hoping for. Show her you respect her life outside of you; when you give a girl room to breathe, she will often come to love you on her own terms. When you give her space, avoid being too distant. Keep calling her regularly and showing her that you’re interested. If you’re shy, don’t give her too much space or she’ll think you’re not interested. You’re going to have to come out of your shell a little bit if you want to get her attention.
Open your eyes to the possibilities. Girls are everywhere, and many girls are looking to fall in love. Don’t get too hung up on getting one particular girl to fall in love with you, and don’t try to “force” love on a girl who just isn’t feeling it!
Be adventurous for her. Maybe the girls you know all have boyfriends, or maybe they don’t cut it for you. Plenty of guys these days are finding love outside of their immediate circles. If you’re old enough, try internet dating. If you’re interested in extracurriculars, get involved on a wider basis so that you could potentially travel. When looking for that girl of your dreams, it helps to keep an open mind and try as many different adventures as life throws at you.
- Avoid talking negative about yourself. Don’t think of yourself as some stupid little guy. Always be yourself!
- Always respect her opinions and feelings.
- Have good personal hygiene!
- Be funny and humorous, but not at the expense of others.
Start talking to her, and always be friendly, nice. You should start emailing or texting her. Have some patience. You will soon see how she feels. What you must know, is that you are either attracted to someone or not, if she has no feelings towards you she most likely never will. But if she keeps talking to you after you state your feeling, and keeps talking regularly then you’ve got a good chance. Stick with it.
- Be careful not to jump the gun. If you push her into it too quickly, she might get the wrong impression.
- You may really want someone to fall in love with you, but make sure that you use your head as well as your heart. Love is only the starting point of a healthy relationship. The rest depends on communication, compatibility and commitment.
- Tell her you love her while she is still talking about a something serious, and tell her you love the way she thinks of you and everybody else.
Just remember to enjoy the moment, and that there is nothing wrong with getting rejected, since even Brad Pitt or George Clooney gets rejected every now and then. If your efforts fail, move on!
Image courtesy: nassauparadiseisland.com , noiteazo.hu , blisstree.com