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Fussy eaters

fuzzy eating

“I don’t like this”, “I want my favourite side dish”; this is probably a common every day thing you hear from a child. If yes, then you need to check if this is how you want your child to grow. Kids only know what they want, not what they need. As parents, the duty falls upon us to teach them good food habits and give them what their body needs.


Here is a menu plan for a week that would help you plan your meals every day.

[sws_zebra_table_csv width=”100%” bgcolor=”dedede” hbgcolor=”6ddffc” hcolor=”000000″ bbgcolor=”ffffff” bcolor=”666699″ bzebra=”eff2ff” bhover=”d0dafd”]

Day Breakfast Brunch Lunch Snack Dinner.
MONDAY Idli/Tomato chutney Apple Roti/Channa Bread pudding Wheat rava upma/Banana.
TUESDAY Wheat bread/Channa Banana Rice/sambhar& veg side Aval/Jaggery Dosa with sambhar.
WEDNESDAY Rice puttu/Banana Pomegranate Aaloo Paratha/Cucumber Raitha Fruit Milkshake
THURSDAY Wheat bread/Spread Plantain with ghee n jaggery Vegetable Pulao Moong Dhal salad Left Overs.
FRIDAY Cereal/Milk Roasted cashews/Pistachios Vegetable Pasta Cookies Porridge/Chutney.
SATURDAY Pongal/Sambhar Fresh Fruit Juice Rice Side Dish Grilled Veg/Paneer Dine Out & Movie.
SUNDAY Aapam/Egg curry/Veg stew Lassi Biryani Carrot Cake Oats/Choco Syrup & Bananas.
ANY TIRED DAY Plantain/Egg/Milk Wheat crackers Special Curd Rice Biscuits Oats.


fuzzy with food



Tips to note:

  • Plan ahead and do prep work previous night.
  • Idli/Dosa dough needs to be ground on Sunday.



  • ALWAYS have fruits BEFORE food.
  • Give milk with snack.
  • Include curd wherever possible with Dinner or Lunch.
  • You may substitute Vegetable side dish in lunch with one egg.
  • IF you prefer non vegetarian it is better to serve hot meat dishes over the weekend.


  • You don’t have to eat rice every day!
  • Pasta is not a junk food.
  • Don’t let your child decide their menu.
  • Don’t let them eat food and watch T.V or play games.
  • Don’t feed them. Make them realize what they eat and why they need the nutrients.


  • Teach them to chew their food before they swallow.
  • Starting at the age of 10 months, kids should be taught to chew.
  • It’s EASY if you plan ahead and give it a try! Once you do it, you may substitute the dishes with other equal nutritious food as your choice.

[sws_green_box box_size=”600″] Article by,

Anitha Dorairaj

Principal, Bodhi School, PRRAP-21, Puthen Road, Pettah, Trivandrum-695024
Email : , Website:[/sws_green_box]


Image courtesy : , babyoye

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