Liver is a key player in your body’s digestive system. Everything you eat or drink passes through your liver.
It must perform over 500 functions, making it potentially one of the most overburdened organs in your body. Our modern lifestyle replete with air pollution, food additives, and high amounts of stress ensure that the liver has plenty to do.
Its primary function is to breakdown the food that we eat and help in its digestion. It performs various other function; however, it is very important to pay due attention to the health of your liver. Mentioned below are some symptoms of liver damage which should be taken seriously.
Skin changes
One of the symptoms of liver damage is evident changes in the color of your skin. If your skin starts getting pale and you find your nail tips turning yellowish, it means that liver is not performing well and requires help. The cause of this yellowishness in the skin is liver not releasing proper toxins which leads to bilirubin accumulation beneath the skin.
Abdominal changes
Our liver is located near the rib cage in our body. If liver health starts deteriorating, it causes pain in lower abdominal areas of the body and makes the ribs also painful. Ascites develop if you do not get the help of a physician.
Frequent gassy sensation
If you very frequently get gassy sensation which is accompanied by stool pressure, it is an indication that the liver is not being able to secrete digestive juices which are essential to break down the food that we eat. It also means that the digestive system is also getting affected because of the liver problem.
When liver breaks down the food, it releases energy which we use to perform our day to day tasks. Getting tired is a sign of lack of energy which clearly indicates that the liver is not being able to do its core job properly.
Urine changes
When our liver starts getting damaged, the color of urine changes to darker variants of yellow. It may also become bloody or tar colored. Some people think that this change in color is because of insufficient hydration in the body; however, if you are ingesting sufficient fluid, it clearly indicates poor liver health.
Itchy skin
Another indicator of liver problem that is associated with skin is itchiness. If you find itchy areas on your skin which are getting worse day on day, it is a sign of liver problem.
Digestive issues such as indigestion and acid reflux are also a part of symptoms of liver damage. If digestive problems or nausea are not going away even after having the right diet, it is a sign of liver damage. In severe cases it may also lead to vomiting.
Severe weight loss
Weight loss can also be regarded as a measure to determine the health of your liver. If you are losing weight without being on a weight loss plan, it shows loss of appetite which happens when liver becomes weak. It can make you extremely thin and malnourished.
Fluid retention
Fluid retention in various parts of the body especially in the feet is also a sign of weak liver. It may look like swelling. This condition is known as edema. It can also happen in your ankles, and thighs. When you will press your feet, you will find the imprint on the feet for some time even after removing the finger.
Stool changes
Changes in stool also indicate liver problems. If you observe traces of blood in the bathroom, it might be a reason to worry for your liver. Other signs of liver damage associated with stool may include periods of constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, etc.
Perhaps the most impressive thing about the liver is its ability to regenerate itself. When it is given the critical nutrients, a healthy whole foods diet, and herbs to help it function, it can be restored back to good health in most cases. Of course, there could be many factors involved here, so it is important to see a physician if your liver health is poor.
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