Most of us who are reading this article have been brought up in life with good parental guidance in behaviour, discipline, do’s and don’ts and moral values. In fact, we still remember our moral science classes.
The reason I began writing this article is to find answers to the biggest question in my head;
WHY do we grow up to be egoistic, prestige conscious, tangled in the arms of restrictions that are self-imposed due to unwanted air of adulthood?
Life is very simple as a child. Why then do we complicate it as an adult? Aren’t we supposed to be educated into strong, independent and joyous people who are capable of taking smart decisions based on our experience and upbringing? Somewhere down the road of blooming from dependant obedient children to independent responsible adult, we miss the main essence of growing up! Have you ever wondered WHAT or WHERE do we miss the main thing called ‘JOY’ in living?
As kids we always aspire to grow up fast and do what we want to do and be happy and build a wonderful world for ourselves. We dream of a brilliant career, loving spouse and happy children. But sadly as we grow up to face these responsibilities, we falter. We hesitate to take those bold decisions we have always wanted to. There is FEAR. Fear of failing, fear of being tainted as a looser by society. Suddenly we have a societal consciousness in us burst out and all we do is weigh ourselves through the eyes of others. Who is society? We again fail to realize that WE are the ones that make this society. So why fear? Instead we must work towards understanding the true meaning of life and work towards goals that gives us contentment in life.
We must love life, live it to the fullest. Take pride in your family and decisions. Give your spouse and children freedom to do what they want. Here are few basics to help you feel free and live life happily.
- 1) Pursue hobbies; never give up on your childhood dreams.
o It could be anything as simple as sewing, cooking, trekking, music collection, cycling, learning martial art/ dancing, painting etc. Remember it’s NEVER too late to start a hobby.
- 2) Visit a new place and explore at least once a year.
o Visiting new places will keep you young by quenching your curiosity to learn about various cultures, people, history etc. It will make you want to explore more and learn more, hence keeping you young.
- 3) Be conscious of your health and what you eat.
o Your body is what YOU are. Treat it well. So eat right. A simple rule is to eat only when you are hungry and stop when you feel full. Respect your body.
- 4) Add physical exercise into your daily routine.
o Stop blaming on your work load or lack of time to keep you fit. Join for a yoga, karate or dancing class. Or simply walk with your friend or take the stairs.
- 5) Engage in a charitable work.
o This is what we must all do often. Take time to visit a mental health or physically handicapped institution. Once you have been there, you will never think twice to give charity. Remember that we cannot take all we earn with us to the grave. Then why not give away some of it to a useful mission. The simple act of charity will only give you peace.
- 6) Encourage your family and friends to do the same.
o Once you do all of the above, you will be happy and content. You can share this secret with your family and friends to help them achieve the same. Spread the cheer of happiness.
[sws_green_box box_size=”600″] Article by,
Anitha Dorairaj
Principal, Bodhi School, PRRAP-21, Puthen Road, Pettah, Trivandrum-695024
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