Women realize finding a bra that fits right is not only important for a great look and feel but also to maintain good breast health. If you ask any experts, they will say that wearing bra while sleeping is not a problem, if you are wise in selecting the most comfortable one.
Some women feel more comfortable in wearing bra while sleeping, while some others are tensed about the adverse health effects of wearing it. If you choose a lightweight, non-underwire bra or camisole-style pajama tops with inbuilt bra, you can get a comfortable sleep. The bra you choose should not be too tight and stiff. It is all about personal choice, when it comes to wearing bra while sleeping. But, a wrong choice in the size or type of bra may make things worse. If you are using a tight bra with underwire, here are some of the most common health hazards that you may face by wearing bra while sleeping.
Reduced Circulation – Wearing bra while sleeping may cause a hindrance to the free blood circulation. This will happen if you are wearing a tight fitting bra with underwire or elastic. It is better to opt for a sports bra, which will be more comfortable.
Pigmentation – Continuous use of bra will cause pigmentation in the portion where the elastic is tighter. Wearing bra while sleeping will increase this.
Disturbed Sleep – If you are wearing a tight bra, you will not be comfortable and this will certainly disturb your sleep.
Skin Irritation – Tight fitting bra will cause skin irritation. It is better to use bra without underwire. Sports bra is considered a good option to wear during the night.
Edema – If you are using tight bra routinely, it may cause lymphatic blockage. Due to this, many other signs associated with the blockage will be presented. This includes edema or fluid accumulation in the breasts.
Caring For Your Breasts
Protect yourself
When it comes to young women and breast cancer, there’s good news and bad news. The good: Their chances of having the disease are much lower than an older woman’s. The bad: If cancer does strike, it can be more aggressive. But a healthy lifestyle can help protect your breasts.
Healthy weight
Being heavy can increase your risk of developing the disease as well as reduce your risk of surviving it.
Work out
Aim to exercise for 45 minutes to an hour five days a week. Regular fitness workouts may help prevent the disease by boosting immune function, warding off obesity, and lowering levels of estrogen and insulin.
Lesser alcohol
Research has shown that two drinks a day could increase breast cancer risk by 21 percent. Instead, try swapping wine for fresh grapes. Resveratrol, found in the skin of grapes, may help reduce your estrogen levels, which in turn may reduce your risk.
Greens & vegetables
A low-fat diet can do a lot to reduce your risk, but for even more protection, add some cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli and kale, to your plate. They contain sulforaphane, which is believed to help prevent cancer cells from multiplying. For an extra dose of cancer-fighting power, eat them raw.
Regular checkup
All women should have a clinical breast exam at least every three years and annual exams and mammograms starting at age 40. Women with a family history should begin screening 10 years prior to the family member’s age of diagnosis. Ask if the facility offers digital mammography; it allows for adjustments in contrast so the image can be easier to see. Young women at increased risk may also want to ask for either an MRI or a sonogram in addition to the mammogram.
Image courtesy: asset-cache.net , mirror.co.uk