A new life develops in mother’s womb over a period of nine months and most of the expectant parents would have dreams of a brilliant baby and will be ready to do anything for this.
The foundation of your baby’s intelligence is being built at the fetus stage, and this is where the raw materials of intelligence and personality are being formed. Fetal brain development has long lasting effect on your baby’s personality.
There are many ways to help your baby get a good start in life. You can boost your baby’s IQ while he or she is still in the womb, by reducing stress and anxiety, eating healthily, and by stimulating your unborn child, which will help to create the connections in the brain that are the foundation of intelligence. Taking these actions will help your baby’s brain development, and therefore boost intelligence and concentration, which helps with learning.
Things You Can Do
Folic acid – Get at least 400 micrograms of folic acid every day. Women who take the recommended dose of folic acid starting at least a month before conception can reduce their baby’s risk of brain and spinal birth defects by 50 to 70 percent. Consuming enough folic acid is the first step you can take to assist your baby’s brain development.
Fish – By consuming fish and seafood during pregnancy you will have an outstanding child with an IQ rather than average kids compare to those pregnant women who don’t. Fatty acid omega 3 in fish, especially in salmon fish, sardine, and mackerel are the responsible components in developing your baby’s intelligence.
Iodine – It is a key nutrient that helps assist in proper brain development of a fetus. An iodine deficiency during pregnancy can lead to a baby being born with mental retardation or cerebral palsy. Iodine is most easily found in iodized salt, though women also need to remember to not consume too much sodium during pregnancy.
Reduce your stress level
Prenatal stress may negatively affect your unborn baby’s emotional development, and have a negative effect on IQ. A 2008 study found that children born to women who experienced high levels of stress during a devastating ice storm in Quebec had diminished cognitive and language abilities at 5 1/2 years of age.
Touch your baby through your stomach
This will stimulate your unborn baby and may help with brain development
Play music to your baby while in the womb
Developing babies, from 23 weeks onwards, can hear sounds from outside the womb. Classical music seems to calm unborn babies, and these babies have been found to recognize the music later in life. This will help your baby’s concentration and propensity for learning.
Talk to and read aloud to your baby
This will help your baby to understand the sounds of language even before he or she is born.
One thing that an expectant mother can do that is beneficial to an unborn baby is swimming. This is beneficial to the mother, as well as the baby. The mother will be in excellent physical condition during her pregnancy and for the delivery. Swimming takes some weight off the spine, and gives a much welcome relief to the back and front muscles. It strengthens the mother’s lungs, and increases the amount of oxygen supply to all organs, including, of course, the womb and placenta. Therefore, the baby, too, gets a fresh and increased supply of oxygen. This is beneficial to the general development of the baby, and specifically the baby’s brain. Before you start swimming, ask your doctor for permission. Make sure that you are swimming in a safe environment, and that there are other people around.
Another great activity is Yoga. There are special Yoga classes for expectant mothers, so find one that is convenient for you. There are also many Yoga videotapes available. Try to find one that is specifically designed for expectant mothers.
Alcohol and smoking
Both smoking and passive smoking reduce blood supply to fetus. Exposure to nicotine during the prenatal period affects the brain cells of the baby which is essential for cognitive development of baby. Alcohol intoxicates the baby and cause poor IQ , poor memory, poor reasoning, attention deficits, etc.
Have your baby when you are young
Age of the father and mother also plays immense role in the intelligence of their baby. Father above the age of 40 has greater risk of having autism. For mother, risk factors begin after the age of 30.
The right parents!
The single biggest factor to influence a child’s IQ is the IQ of parents. Estimates vary, but a 2004 research has concluded that the heritability of IQ is about 85%. Half of that is down to father and half down to mother. So, short of adoption, the best and the easiest way to ensure your child is smart is to develop your own IQ! May be while choosing a partner, on the first date itself, you may ask your partner to fill up an IQ sheet. If he/she avoids you after that, you can be pretty sure your partner is smart!!
Image courtesy: blogspot.com , coroflot.com