Glamorous appeal refers to an individual’s ability to attract the sensual or interest of another person, and is a factor in opposite gender selection or mate choice.
The attraction can be to the physical or other qualities or traits of a person, or to such qualities in the context in which they appear. The attraction may be to a person’s looks or movements or to their voice or smell, besides other factors. The attraction may be enhanced by a person’s adornments, clothing, perfume, hair length and style, and anything else which can attract the sensual interest of another person. It can also be influenced by individual genetic, psychological, or cultural factors, or to other, more amorphous qualities of the person. sensual attraction is also a response to another person that depends on a combination of the person possessing the traits and also on the criteria of the person who is attracted.
How to increase your glamorous appeal
Find out how to increase your glamorous appeal in these ten steps. Use them religiously in your daily life, and you’ll be an attractive looker with tons of glamorous appeal sooner than you think.
1. Make intense eye contact
Make eye contact. When you’re trying to speak with someone, don’t look at the ground, or over their shoulder, or at the ceiling. Look them right in the eyes. Holding someone’s gaze communicates both intimacy and confidence, and it’s the easiest thing you can do to become a master
2. Build your confidence
While physical aspects matter most in glamorous appeal, subtle factors like your confidence can play a big part too. If you want to know how to increase your glamour appeal, learn to work on your confidence. Be positive and learn to look at the bright side of everything you do. Feeling unworthy or uncomfortable around people doesn’t help in growing your glamorus appeal. Work on your confidence and understand your true worth. Your upbeat attitude and your confidence will draw more people towards you than you can imagine.
3. Learn to dress well
Glamours appeal is all about your physical attributes, along with a pinch of subtle attributes. For starters, dress well and always look your best. If you don’t think your dressing style is something to brag about, use a few fashion magazines or even get the help of an image makeover consultant. Dressing well is one of the basic steps in knowing how to increase your glamorous appeal.
4. Stay glowing
Eat healthy, sleep well and get that glowing skin. When you feel good about your daily lifestyle, your skin would start to glow, and you’d feel and look a lot better. And your glamorous appeal, well, it’ll start to grow too!
5. Make good Fragrances
Have your own collection of perfumes that smell great on you. When it comes to picking fragrances and perfumes, always remember that what smells great on someone else may not work for you. A lot of things like your body temperature and your body’s natural fragrance matters here. Leave a waft of mild perfume in the air as you walk past someone of the opposite sex. It’s an instant turn on that will leave anyone wanting more. Perfumes, especially when they mix with your own body’s pheromones, can create a lasting positive effect on anyone you want to attract.
6. Stay cool and composed
No one likes Nervous Nelly. Don’t be that person. When you’re jittery and cluttered in your head, it’s hard to make anyone around you feel comfortable. No matter what you’re doing, stay calm and composed. It’ll make the person around you feel at ease and will help them connect with you better .Relax and sit back calmly. A happy, calm ‘you’ can create a happier atmosphere and make anyone love being with you
7. Learn to dress well
glamorus appeal is all about your physical attributes, along with a pinch of subtle attributes. For starters, dress well and always look your best. If you don’t think your dressing style is something to brag about, use a few fashion magazines or even get the help of an image makeover consultant. Dressing well is one of the basic steps in knowing how to increase your glamour appeal.
8. Get a great body
If you don’t have washboard abs or sexy, toned legs, you’re not working out enough. It’s easy to sit back and whine about how fat you are or why no one ever gives you a second glance. Almost half the adults in the United States are fat. Get off your butt and do something about it.
Start working out and take an initiative to look good. You may have to run or do cardio for six months to lose weight, but just sitting around and having a burger and fries while bitching about your cruel world isn’t going to make you look any better. You want to look good? Get ready to work your butt. And hey, you know you’re always going to get second glances when you look fitter!