Capricorn Personality: December 22 – January 19
Capricorn is the tenth sign of the astrological year and is known by its astrological symbol, the Goat. Capricorn individuals are controlled, conscientious, and practical. With Saturn as the ruling planet, people born under this sign are self-disciplined and hard-working. They are highly efficient and dedicated to becoming a success.
The Capricorn Man
The Capricorn man will often conceal things about his life for little reason. Being defensive comes naturally; he is afraid that if he allows himself to be open, he will be exposed. This is why he seems so serious. With those he trusts he shows his wicked sense of humor and good nature. He is principled, though he keeps his beliefs and philosophy to himself. Capricorn men are often devoted to their career, which can make them seem distant regarding family responsibilities.
The Capricorn Woman
Capricorn women have a cool, standoffish charm. Elegant and glacial, they may seem unapproachable. Actually, this is a mask to hide their vulnerability. Capricorn individuals are afraid of “losing face.” They fear criticism and can’t abide being forced to be self-critical. This woman is competitive, though she is usually more interested in besting her own efforts than those of rivals. If she is not involved in an outside career, she will turn her home into a career. She is a good, if overly strict, mother and expects the best from her children.
The Capricorn Child
Capricorn children usually seem to be miniature adults who are serious and a bit world-weary. Although smart, they may lag behind other children developmentally. They may have a fear of trying particular skills because they are afraid to fail. For them to succeed, parents must be gentle and supportive. As he or she grows, so grows the confidence. They have leadership skills that can be helpful in adjusting to this phase of their development.
The Capricorn Lover
The Capricorn lover may seem cautious and a bit cold but can be downright naughty! Capricorns’ biggest problem is confidence. They always worry that a love interest will prove faithless. Capricorns respond well to domestic life because it provides stability. Once they fall in love and commit, the typical Capricorn is unlikely to jeopardize the union. They place great importance on personal happiness.
The Capricorn Friend
Although they may seem to lack many traits that attract friendship, Capricorn men and women make loyal and caring friends. Because they love stability, Capricorn men and women gain something special from long-term friendships.
Aquarius Personality: January 20 – February 18
Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the astrological year and is known by its astrological symbol, the Water Bearer. Aquarius individuals are intelligent, progressive and independent. With Uranus as the ruling planet, people born under this sign are free-thinking and unconventional. They will fight avidly for the rights of others.
The Aquarius Man
Aquarian men may seem distant and unapproachable or warm and welcoming. They have charisma and can draw people to them. Despite their intelligence and creativity, they are not difficult to know. Though dedicated to making their personal lives a success, they are usually focused on something greater. They care about a number of issues – politics, the environment, the economy – and believe they can make a difference.
The Aquarius Woman
An Aquarius woman is unusual, startling, even unclassifiable. The typical Aquarian woman is atypical, unique. She wants to experience as much as possible and is not afraid of consequences. Every experience is valuable if it shows something about herself and the world. Intelligent and talented, she would rather be judged for her abilities than her glamour and sex appeal.
The Aquarius Child
There is nothing conventional about the Aquarian child. This youngster enjoys going his or her own way and is apt to rebel for seemingly no reason. Although likely to be intelligent – even brilliant – he or she does not fit a prescribed image. Their curiosity is stronger than any other characteristic. The Aquarian child needs parents who encourage his or her need to be different.
The Aquarius Lover
The Aquarius lover is full of surprises. They simply cannot be happy or fulfilled unless they are free to do as they like. No matter how deeply in love an Aquarius man or woman may be, they are never willing to sacrifice their autonomy. This has doubtless ended many a love affair or marriage, but they always put honesty ahead of romance.
The Aquarius Friend
Aquarians tend to collect friends the way some people put together an eclectic art collection. Unfortunately, the typical Aquarian may have so many friends that it is impossible to have an intimate personal relationship with any. Some Aquarians may use this as a way to maintain emotional distance.
Pisces Personality: February 19 – March 20
Pisces is the twelfth sign of the astrological year and is known by its astrological symbol, the Fish. Pisces natives are in touch with their emotions, though not to the point of mawkishness. With Neptune as the ruling planet, they are apt to be idealists. Pisces natives are physically and emotionally strong but may put their hardiness to the test if they try to resolve others’ emotional conflicts.
The Pisces Man
The man born under the Pisces sign has great warmth and charm. He is not afraid to show vulnerabilities – in fact, he displays them with pride. He connects with others on an emotionally satisfying level. As a parent or guardian, he may try to relive or remake his early relationships to spiritualize them. If his work or profession does not provide the self-expression he needs, he will look for it in hobbies. Relationships make up the primary focus of this man’s life.
The Pisces Woman
The Pisces woman is mysterious but not aloof. She possesses an ageless charm that is enthralling to those who know her. Her capacity for sympathy and her understanding make her stand out. Pisces women find their greatest fulfillment through personal relationships. Even when talented, they may not respect their gifts. Many Pisces women are self-conscious and need a stronger individual to bring out their best qualities.
The Pisces Child
Pisces children are dreamers. At times they may seem caught up in their illusions and unable to tell reality from fantasy. These little ones should be allowed to explore the limitless boundaries of imagination without fear of ridicule. Playing games of imagination allows Pisces children to safely explore their creativity.
The Pisces Lover
Pisces men and women have an idealistic view of love and romance. Because of their sensitivity, they often prefer a fairy tale scenario to the real thing. Pisces know their vulnerabilities and are sometimes afraid the magic “bubble” will burst. The Piscean individual who is deeply in love may sacrifice themselves for their lover.
The Pisces Friend
Friendship comes naturally to Pisceans. Their commitment to easing the pain of others often draws them to less fortunate individuals. But pity is not involved. Although they may seem weak or unfocused, they are sympathetic listeners. They have strong links to the past and are likely to keep the same friends for years. Also, because of their intense family ties, Pisces natives may count a sibling or other relative among their closest friends.
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