Cancer Personality: June 21 – July 22
Cancer is the fourth sign of the astrological year and is known by its astrological symbol, the Crab. Cancer individuals are intelligent, organized, generous, home-loving, and tenacious. They are also devoted to family members and provide enormous emotional support.
The Cancer Man
Cancer men can be loving and attentive one minute, remote and unreachable the next. They have the potential to be a bohemian or a family man. They are adaptable to family life, which means a great deal to them. They cherish their children and often take an active role in their upbringing.
The Cancer Woman
The Cancer woman has a strong maternal instinct and the desire to make her home a place of domestic bliss. They have great loyalty to family members and close ties to their mothers. They also have a large circle of friends and associates. The typical Cancer woman looks beyond her career or home-centered activities to find interests through which she can contribute to others.
The Cancer Child
Children born under the sign of Cancer are quiet, reflective, and prefer to be seen and not heard. They may have a difficult time being part of a group, allowing themselves to be dominated by more aggressive youngsters. Parents of Cancerian children need to be especially helpful in their social development, teaching them to assert their individuality and independence. These children are rarely discipline problems, though they can become excessively moody and depressed during adolescence.
The Cancer Lover
Cancerian individuals are extremely romantic and passionate people. They enjoy all the traditional rituals of wooing and winning a sweetheart and usually opt for marriage or a long-term relationship. They make loyal mates and will champion their spouse’s career and expect the same in return. These individuals are keenly attuned to the needs and wants of their partner; they are exceptionally sensitive lovers.
The Cancer Friend
With their gentle and caring spirit, Cancerians are the ones to whom others turn with problems, worries, and life-choice concerns. Despite their ability to support and nurture their pals, they do not make friends easily. This may be because they take friendship seriously and don’t bother to indulge superficial associations. They are often shy people who wait for friendships to develop instead of actively pursuing them.
Leo Personality: July 23 – August 22
Leo is the fifth sign of the astrological year and is known by its astrological symbol, the Lion. Leo individuals are dynamic, self-confident, and highly dramatic. They are considered to be good organizers, with an ability to lead and inspire others.
The Leo Man
Leo men are good-looking and personable and possess a swaggering grace that makes them attractive to women. They are friendly and good-natured, although they have a tendency to sulk. They have a strong ego and can seem preoccupied with their own concerns at times. Image is important to these men, and they take great care in cultivating just the right one for themselves.
The Leo Woman
The typical Leo woman is glamorous and regal. She isn’t complicated — in fact she’s more up-front and honest. She revels in the spotlight and often finds herself the center of attention. No matter how happy she is in her personal life, a Leo woman needs more. That usually means a career or, in some cases, an involvement in social or community affairs that showcase her creative interests and organizational skills.
The Leo Child
Leo children are so dramatic and outgoing that they can easily be classed as show-offs by parents who do not understand the necessity of their little one to “perform.” Since Leo children normally take on a leadership role early, parents need to prevent adversarial relationships between them and other siblings.
The Leo Lover
From the amorous love letters of Napoleon Bonaparte to the liberated sexual antics of pop diva Madonna, Leos have always shown a driving need to express their true love nature. They have a talent for blending delicate romantic sentiments with bold sexuality. Leos are great devotees of the dating ritual. They love giving gifts and will go to almost any lengths to make their adored feel special. They retain their romantic persuasion even when they marry and continue to “court” their spouse by showing just how thoughtful and generous they can be.
The Leo Friend
Despite their winning personality, it isn’t always easy to be friends with Leo people, whose talent and self-confidence usually seem to place them at the center of things. That leaves a Leo’s buddies always hanging out at the edge of the circle, waiting for someone to notice them. Leo individuals are best in a one-to-one friendship where their ego is less likely to intrude upon the relationship. Leos need to be brought down to earth at times.
Virgo Personality: August 23 – September 22
Virgo is the sixth sign of the astrological year and is known by its astrological symbol, the Virgin. Virgos are intelligent, patient, and humble. With Mercury as the ruling planet, people born under this sign are quick-thinking, observant, and analytical.
The Virgo Man
The typical Virgo man has a quiet dignity. He has discriminating tastes and an appetite for learning. Many Virgo men are stylishly unassuming. They are concerned with their health and fitness and are careful about their diets. Cooking for the Virgo man can be trying; he has a tendency to be fussy. He is a gentle soul with much charm.
The Virgo Woman
The Virgo woman has discreet charm. She is intelligent, thoughtful, and careful about her grooming. Virgo women are efficient and hard-working. They are ethical and never put career achievements ahead of their moral code. They want to earn what they get and refuse to be manipulative or controlling. They are well-organized and do a good job of balancing personal and professional responsibilities. Most Virgo women are especially adept at handling the family budget. They need to learn to ease the stress that is brought on by their high standards.
The Virgo Child
These Virgo youngsters need a great deal of affection and emotional support, because they are likely to be shy and may have difficulty developing friendships. They are not naturally competitive, and so may find it easier to give in to more demanding playmates. Virgo children are often studious. Parents should help their Virgo child develop an interest in at least one “cool” activity to help them fit in.
The Virgo Lover
Virgo individuals may not be the most romantic, but they offer their whole heart. There is no pretense involved in how they act or what they say. Because they are loyal, Virgos are big on fidelity. They value more than the superficial aspects of a love relationship, and they generally attract people with a similar belief system. Marriage is a major commitment; they value their union as both a love relationship and a working partnership.
The Virgo Friend
As a rule, shy, self-effacing Virgos have difficulty making friends; they often lack the skills to bring people together. Virgos may also lack self-confidence. Yet when they do make the effort, these people are capable of achieving extraordinary things. Virgos are likely to keep the same friends for years. Often, Virgos befriend someone with the showy personality they themselves are uncomfortable assuming.