When people looked up at the stars and realized that those shimmering, distant orbs formed pictures in the heavens, astrology was born.
Long before recorded history, when life was a succession of labor and tedium interrupted by the occasional terror of simple survival, the night sky was a source of profound interest to our ancestors. What followed was the prediction of personality traits and future events based on the relationship between the Sun, the Moon, and the planets. Here EHC presents you the historical and modern interpretations of astrology.
Aries Personality: March 21 – April 20
Aries is the first sign of the astrological year and is known by its astrological symbol, the Ram. Aries individuals are willful, positive, and independent. People born under this sign have amazing stamina and a potent drive to succeed.
The Aries Man
Even if he isn’t handsome – though he usually is – he’s the one noticed by everybody when he walks into a room. Aries men are dedicated to their career aspirations and getting ahead, and people often assume that family life doesn’t fit in with their lifestyle, though this is unfair. The ideal Aries man combines rugged masculinity with urbane charm.
The Aries Woman
This independent lady knows what she wants and isn’t the least bit shy about going after it. Aries women have quick tempers and may often give the impression of bossiness. These women have a bold sense of style that adds to their natural beauty. They prefer to be noticed for their intellect and capabilities rather than for their good looks.
The Aries Child
Anyone who has ever raised an Aries child knows that these determined little overachievers need a firm hand to keep them from getting out of line. They are extremely self-possessed and prone to demanding their own way. They may be especially troublesome during their teen years. When Aries young people rebel, they generally have a good idea of what they’re rebelling against.
The Aries Lover
Aries natives have a powerful love nature and a strong sexual drive. Once they set their sights on a romantic interest, they go after that individual with all of the enthusiasm and purpose typical of this sign. Aries men and women are highly romantic. They have an extremely idealistic view of what love should be. Unfortunately, Aries natives often revert to type after they marry, devoting the greatest amount of their energy to career goals.
The Aries Friend
With their powerful leadership potential, Aries natives make inspirational friends. They often will do what they can to help their pals achieve their dreams. The typical Aries friend will try to help his/her buddies become more successful and professionally centered. It’s difficult for these driven individuals to understand anything but absolute dedication to career goals. Aries people are interesting and enjoyable social companions. They make friends easily and show remarkable loyalty.
Taurus Personality: April 21 – May 20
Taurus is the second sign of the astrological year and is known by its symbol, the Bull. Taureans are loyal, thrifty, kindhearted, and they possess great personal charm, good looks, and a lovely speaking voice.
The Taurus Man
Taurus men possess a great deal of what used to be called “animal magnetism.” They are often dark and brooding in appearance, taciturn in speech. They become good husbands and fathers, cherish traditional values, and rarely lose their temper. Most are more concerned with achieving success in their personal life than their professional life. They have a great deal of creative talent, though this may require some coaxing.
The Taurus Woman
A Taurus woman is stylish, well-groomed, and socially involved. Whether she turns her energies to domestic or professional aims, she is certain to give it all that she has. Taurus women are stubborn, practical, and budget-minded. They have the ability to balance family and career life without losing their emotional equilibrium. These women have their feet planted firmly on the ground.
The Taurus Child
A Taurus child can be sugar and spice one moment, then walking thunderclouds the next. They are generally obedient, but they may become belligerent in adolescence if the rules made by their parents are too restrictive. Many Taurean children show a marked artistic talent at an early age. They have great color sense and are drawn to beautiful things.
The Taurus Lover
A Taurus lover is passionate a individual who prefers marriage or long-term relationships to the dating scene. The Taurean lover is persistent, consistent, and always eager to please his or her partner. They never forget a birthday, anniversary, or other romantic occasion. The one drawback to their approach is inflexibility. An adventuresome person who enjoys a lot of experimentation and diversity may grow weary of the Taurean lover’s practical approach.
The Taurus Friend
A Taurus friend is exceptionally steadfast and loyal. They treat their friends with the kind of respect and affection that most people reserve for family members or lovers. Taureans get along best with people who have the same interests as their own. These men and women often serve their friends in an advisory role; their advice is treasured.
Gemini Personality: May 21 – June 20
Gemini is the third sign of the astrological year and is known by its astrological symbol, the Twins. Gemini individuals are bright, changeable, and inquiring. They have many interests and great social adeptness.
The Gemini Man
The typical Gemini gentleman has strong intellectual inclinations but isn’t the intimidating sort. These men are often dedicated to their career, seeing it almost as a calling rather than simply a way to make a living. Gemini men excel in advertising, media, politics, teaching, or any field where language and communication skills are useful.
The Gemini Woman
Gemini women are glib, self-assured, and sophisticated. Smart, sassy, and sarcastic, these women will always have the last word. Often exceptionally good looking, Gemini women are more interested in showing off their brain power. They are often career-driven, and even when they have children are likely to seek a career outside their domestic circle. They make good mothers, always encouraging their children to get involved in a variety of interests and hobbies.
The Gemini Child
Gemini children are usually bright and may show a talent for logic and language skills. Allowing them to progress at their own speed, emphasizing the joy of learning, is the best method to employ with these children. Gemini youngsters require a great amount of social contact. They mix well with other children and usually have a diverse and interesting group of friends by the time they reach their teens. They are generally upbeat and positive.
The Gemini Lover
Gemini lovers are versatile, witty, and fun-loving individuals that possess so much charm they can be almost impossible to resist. Whether through a clever fax, a romantic letter, or a few endearing words left on an answering machine, the Gemini lover understands the erotic power of language. It takes a unique individual to get a Gemini to settle down. Even when a Gemini does tie the knot, he or she can lose interest quickly if the excitement wears off.
The Gemini Friend
The naturally sociable nature of a Gemini friend is a big plus in drawing people to him or her. They aren’t snobbish about friends and don’t attempt to choose their companions thoughtlessly. Though these individuals have a love of gossip, they never indulge in it with malice. A sympathetic listener, the Gemini friend likes to use humor to ease the troubles of others.