11. Buy some of those canisters (similar to baby wipes) with the disposable cleaning sheets for some quick and easy freshening-up. What works just as well is a some paper towel, soaked with a little rubbing alcohol, in a zip lock bag. Spray in a little cologne in the bottle of rubbing alcohol.
12. Practice Good Anger Management. Anger, anxiety and excitement increase sweat production. If you’ve felt that prickling under your arms at the beginning of a big exam or when someone panic stops in the car ahead of you on the interstate, you know about stress-induced sweating. Consider learning and practicing techniques like meditation and visualization that can help you keep your cool under stressful circumstances. This is a winner on a number of levels: You’ll help control your body’s sweat response using natural techniques; you’ll save your wardrobe; and as an added bonus, you’ll be practicing a little Zen action at the same time.
13. Towel Off Thoroughly. Once you’ve showered, be sure you dry yourself completely. Towel off and make sure you dry any areas where you sweat a lot.
If your skin is dry, it’s harder for bacteria that cause body odor to breed on it.
14. Keep the armpits clean – wash them regularly using anti-bacterial soap, and the number of bacteria will be kept low, resulting in less body odor. Hair under the armpits slows a large concentration of apocrine glands exist in the armpits, making that area susceptible to rapid development down the evaporation of sweat, giving the bacteria more time to break it down into smelly substances; shaving the armpits regularly has been found to help body odor control in that area.
15. Clothing – natural fibers allow your skin to breathe, resulting in better evaporation of sweat. Natural-made fibers include wool, silk or cotton.
16. Sleep early-If you sleep early your body cells and tissues will repair when you sleep.. the early you sleep at night the longer you body will repair it self inside and outside…
17. Do not borrow others clothes
Do not borrow others clothes because body oder is transferable… if they have body and you borrow their clothes and wore it their is a high possibility that you can have body odor…and do not allow anybody to borrow your clothes also…
Food that prevent Body Odor
1. Brown rice
Brown rice is rich in proteins which reduces the odor. Hence, it is important to include brown rice in your regular meals. Not only will it keep you fit, but also reduce that odor which is keeping you away from people.
2. White Meat
You must be already knowing this. Eating red meat regularly tends to increase body odor. To replace it with a healthier substitute, we suggest you to consume white meat instead. Make a lavish use of chicken and turkey in your diet and notice the difference.
3. Raw Vegetables
Boasting key ingredients like Vitamin A and Vitamin B, raw vegetables promise to reduce your body odor in their own special way. Hence, you must consume them on a regular basis and avoid having stuff like eggs and pancakes.
4. Fresh Fruits
Research reveals that foods which have lower amounts of choline in them help to reduce body odor to a great extent. Such foods in too much body odor, avoid soybeans, peanuts, potato, egg yolk, cauliflower, oats, lentils and sesame seeds.
5. Water
Drinking lots of water regularly can also help you tackle the problem. Drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water daily would help to eliminate the toxins in your body through urine which means, your body won’t sweat as much as it does now and there are lesser chances of body odor.
6. Herbal Teas
Herbal teas possess the power to eliminate the bacteria which cause odor. Hence, consuming herbal tea regularly can help you keep your body odor in check.
7. Green Herbs
Parsley, cilantro, basil and mint leaves are some herbs that should be an integral part of your regular diet in order to ward off bad odor.
Home Remedies for Bad Body Odor
1. Home Remedy For Body Odor Glycerine and Radish: Make juice of radish and mix with small half spoon of glycerine. This should be applied over underarms, feet and neck for preventing body odor.
2. Alcohol and White Vinegar: A decoction of alcohol and white vinegar can be applied over areas which perspire heavily.
3. Apple cider vinegar: Apple cider vinegar can also be applied over feet and underarms.
4. Potatoes: Potato is known for its cooling effects. Its slices can be applied on the underarms controlling perspiration over there.
5. Tree Oil or Rosemary Oil: Add a few drops of tea tree oil or rosemary oil in small volume of water and apply it on body parts to avoid bad odor.
6. Turnip: Turnip juic e has antibacterial property and can be applied over areas which sweat heavily.
7. Wheat Grass: It is advisable to consume wheat grass facing the problems of malodour. It is recommended to take early in the morning with empty stomach.
8. Neem Leaf Extract: Neem leaves should be boiled in water and the drained extract collected. This is added to a bucket of water which is to be used to take bath. This has wonderful antimicrobial activity which can prevent not only from foul odor but also protect your skin against various fungal infections.
9. Sage Tea: Herbal tea made up of sage can be taken to prevent from bad body odor.
10. Tomato Juice: It has been observed that adding two cups of juice obtained from tomato, to the bath tub will make you refreshing and free from malodor for a long time.
11. Baking Powder and Lemon Juice: One of the best home remedies is by mixing 1 tablespoon each of baking powder and lemon juice and applying it over bod parts during summers. This keeps you from body odor.
12. Antibacterial Soaps and Antiperspirant Deodorants: For bathing purposes, soaps containing lemongrass, neem extract and chamomiles should be used on a regular basis. Individuals who perspire heavily can also use deodorants that are antiperspirants, though they cause itching in some people.
13. Take showers, at least thrice in a day, in the summer season, when one tends to sweat a lot.
Ayurvedic Home remedy
1. Soak Tripaladhi choornam or Vetiveria zizanioides(Ramacham) in water over night and use that water for bathing, washing underarms etc very helpful to avoid bad odor of body .Vetiveria zizanioindes is regarded as a stimulant, refrigerant and antibacterial and when applied externally, it removes excess heat from the body and gives a cooling effect.
2. Also taking one tsp tripaladhi choornam with one tsp honey bed time everyday helps in detoxification of body thereby reduce the body odor.
3. Leaf Extract: Neem leaves should be boiled in water and the drained extract collected. This is added to a bucket of water which is to be used to take bath. This has wonderful antimicrobial activity which can prevent not only from foul odor but also protect your skin against various fungal infections
4. Ayurveda believes that excess taking of non-vegetarian food will produce body odor.
Instructions for Making Homemade Deodorant
Mix about 1/4 c. baking soda and 1/4 c. cornstarch or arrowroot starch in a small bowl.
Add unrefined coconut oil, not melted, about a Tablespoon at a time, mashing with a fork until all the dry ingredients have been mixed in. I find it takes 4-6 Tablespoons.
Optional: If you’d like a scent, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil at this time.
You could use this mixture as is and apply with your fingertips, but it’s pretty messy.
Best option: use an old deodorant container.
Image courtesy : intimatehealthhelp.net , anti-perspirant.info , stoppress.co.nz