It is known that drinking plenty of water, using SPF, and having a daily cleansing routine are essential for good skin care. Who doesn’t crave for that perfect look with long hair, fair skin, and a flawless glowing complexion?
EHC brings you an exhaustive list of beauty tips for skin at home. This will include face packs, foods, and other basics that are often ignored in the realm of skin care.
Every human is born with beautiful skin and you need to realize that protecting our skin from damage is of utmost importance. Otherwise all our attempts will be of no use as skin will keep sustaining damage and you will keep wondering why none of the treatments are showing any results.
Essential Skin Care
Our skin needs time and care for it to regenerate. Without this, improving our skin condition is an absolute impossibility. This is why we need to ensure the below basics to make time for the skin to heal itself.
- Drink a lot of water
- Sleep well
- Exercise
- Follow a good skin care routine. There are many options like exfoliation, scrub, etc.
- Remove your makeup before you sleep every night.
Healthy Diet for Healthy Skin
Our skin is what we eat! Without the right nutrients, our skin cannot undo the damage that it sustains on a daily basis. The right quantities of all the ingredients need to be consumed for the skin to portray health and the fairness to show. Eat fruits with vitamin C for the antioxidants. Balance your diet to get the right amount of proteins and unsaturated fats along with vegetables to get the right portions of nutrients for your skin to naturally care for itself.
Sun Protection and Care
The basic lesson here is not to step out into the sun without protection. The effects of the harsh sun rays and the UV radiation that we are exposed to when you step out of your home are tragic to the skin. That is why you need to use a sunscreen.
Always apply a sunscreen before stepping out. An SPF of at least 30 or more depending on your skin type. UV rays darken and damage your skin. So make sure you reapply every four or five hours.
Easy & Extensive Skin Care
Face packs go a long way in protecting your facial skin and make it radiant and flawless. Lather on these lovely face packs and relax as they work their magic. We will look in to some of the oldest and most popular homemade beauty tips for face.
Turmeric face pack
This is an all-time favorite. The results have always been so stunning that this has now become a must ritual for a bride before the wedding day.
Ingredients: Gram flour, pinch of turmeric, and milk.
Mix all the above and apply the mask. Scrub the paste gently on your for 5 minutes and let it dry for 20 minutes. Once it is dry, clean your face.
Turmeric and lemon face pack
Ingredients: Gram flour, turmeric, lemon juice, and milk.
Mix all the above ingredients and apply evenly on the face. Scrub the paste gently on your for 5 minutes and let it dry for 20 minutes. Once it is dry, clean your face.
Banana face pack
Ingredients: One ripe banana, 1 tablespoon honey, 1 teaspoon olive oil.
Mix all the ingredients to make a smooth paste, apply all over the face and rinse with water after 10 minutes. Honey helps in locking the moisture, while banana and olive oil help remove and neutralize the bad effects of free radicals on the skin. You can also try some honey face masks individually.
Oat almond face pack
Ingredients: 5-6 almonds, 2 tablespoon oats, 2 tablespoon yogurt, 1 teaspoon honey.
Grind almonds and oats to get a powder like consistency. Further add yogurt and honey to make a smooth paste out of it. Apply the pack and rinse it after 15 minutes. Almond nourishes the skin, oats moisturizes the skin, and yogurt tightens it along with making it soft and soothing.
Coco mask
Ingredients: Half tablespoon cocoa powder, half tablespoon honey, 1 teaspoon grounded oatmeal or besan, 2 teaspoon of coconut milk.
Mix all the ingredients to make a smooth paste, and apply it on the face and rinse it after a while. The antioxidant and cleansing properties of chocolate freshens the dull and tired looking skin.
Cucumber Face Pack
Ingredients: One peeled cucumber, 1 tablespoon of sugar.
Mash cucumber, add sugar, and re-fridge it for some time. Apply it on the face, leave it on for ten minutes, and rinse it with cold water. Cucumber gives skin a cooling effect making it soft and supple, thus soothing it.
Tea water and honey face pack
Ingredients: One cup of tea water (cooled down), 2 spoons of rice flour, ½ a spoon of honey. The rice flour acts as a very good scrub and honey moisturizers the skin.
Mix the above ingredients and apply on the skin. Leave it on till the mask dries completely for 20 minutes or more. Before cleaning the mask with water, make sure you massage the facial skin in circular motions, this is very important as it removes the dead skin and evens the skin tone. Then wash your face with cold water .This gives you a lighter and even skin tone.
Oats and lemon face pack
Ingredients: One tablespoon of oats; cooked and mashed (helps reduce inflammation and heals skin), one table spoon of lemon juice (lemon helps lighten skin tone). If you have sensitive skin, then you can dilute the lemon juice with water.
Mix the above ingredients and apply on the face by massaging the skin. Let it dry for 20 minutes. Wash it and pat dry.
Yogurt and dried orange peel
Ingredients: Dried orange peel, fresh and unflavored yogurt.
Grind the dried orange peels to powder. Mix 1 tablespoon of it with 1 tablespoon fresh and unflavored yogurt to make a paste. Apply and keep on cleansed skin for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse it off.
Ingredients: Potato slice, in pulp or juice form.
Use slices or paste of potato as a mask or even just the juice on tanned portions of the skin. This can be applied twice to your skin. After 15-20 minutes, wash off with plain water.
The biggest advantage for these home remedies for skin health is that these are organic, natural products that you use over the skin and they are gentle on your skin leaving no side effects to take place. So, go ahead, and try these at home for a flawless skin.
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