Men folks have not been puzzled more by trying to understand if their partner is satisfied after you have tried your best in bed.
We have many ideas and concepts regarding the extreme pleasure but knowing if you have given your partner all that you want to give and has excited her to the peak, seems like an impossible task. EHC has done some secret research on the topic and has compiled a list of tell-tale signs if your partner is satisfied with the game you played. Read on.
Hardened nipples
The nipples of her breasts are the signboards to look for if she is satisfied or not. When hardened especially in accompanied by other signs such as breath up and down and squealing, you can be sure that you are in the right direction.
Being emotional
There are several ways women express satisfaction, like crying. According to many women, extreme pleasure sometimes brings in a wave of emotions and can end up with a cry. If you find your partner crying, do not worry, it is just that your partner is feeling pleasure and satisfaction.
Falling asleep
There are women who feel very tired with the pleasure, so they need to rest for a moment to regain normalcy. If you find your partner dozing off, hug her, and sleep off together (literally!).
Tight hug
Although this does not always guarantee that your partner has reached the pleasure, her desire to hug tightly and feel your arms around may be a sign that she had just finished enjoying the experience.
Unable to walk
When your partner is finding it difficult to wake up and cannot walk because her legs shake after a lot of intimate relationship with you, be assured that this is one sign that you have completed the task of a good man.
Weak talk
If your partner is feeling weak to speak or just uttering the same words of you or she is trying to describe the sensation she is feeling, but words are not coming out strongly, they are signs that she had a great time making love to you.
Strange smile
You must have known what she meant. If your partner has a smile, more like a sensuous smirk, which you have not seen on a normal day, know that she has just thanked you for the satisfaction you have given her.
High oomph factor
Typically, when a woman is sensually satisfied with her partner, it shows. She will be aware that she is warm, and her self-confidence would be noticeable. On the contrary, if a woman is unsatisfied, then it she might feel that she is not desired and thus not as hot.
The myth of organ size
The size of your organ is not as important as how you use it! Women are satisfied in many other ways than by your organ alone, and are often more satisfied by the passion of the play than the physical act of play. Only a small percentage of sensually satisfied women claimed that organsize is vital to their sensual satisfaction.
Craving for more
When the play is good, she will crave more (and you probably will too). If the play is terrible, she will probably not want any more than she is already getting. Think about it. If you ate awful, nearly inedible food, why would you go back for seconds? play is no different.
The pleasure of play
For men, play is about achieving the extreme pleasure. Although women enjoy pleasure just as much as men, they tend to get a more emotional connection from play than men. And, many women enjoy the pleasure of having play and the emotional connection just as much as they enjoy achieving an extreme pleasure. In other words, bringing her to enjoyment is not the only way to satisfy her.
Being vocal
When the play is good, she will want more of it. If she is vocal about wanting more, and she comfortably expresses her sensuality, it is a good sign that you are doing a good job.
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