You have been planning this for a long time. Your diet. With much determination you have started your Atkins or the South Beach diet. Carefully you have cut down the junk food from your routine, painfully though.
You replace those with other healthy foods. But sometimes, the healthy foods you swap in are surprisingly high in fat and calories. That is why serving size matters, even when it comes to the nutritious foods. EHC lists out those healthy foods which actually destroys your diet. Know more about diet-friendly swaps and serving sizes, and indulge in a truly guilt-free eating.
Nuts, dried fruits, & oats
Some store-bought brands of these contain ingredients like honey, added sugar, and chocolate and can set you back hundreds of calories. And as you already know, nuts are high in fat. Dried fruits are just normal fruits that have had the water taken out of them. So, a cup of dried fruit packs five to eight times more calories and sugar than a cup of the fresh stuff. A cup of fresh grapes is 60 calories, while a cup of raisins is a whopping 460. So, go for fresh fruit whenever possible. Use dried fruit sparingly as a garnish, not as a snack.
Dark chocolate contains disease-fighting polyphenols and has even been associated with weight loss, if you don't eat too much of it. An ounce of dark chocolate packs in 155 calories and 9 grams of fat, 5 of it saturated. Snack on dark chocolate that contains a high percentage of cacao, that means it is less sugary. Have just a couple squares at a time.
It is packed with good-for-you nutrients and antioxidants, as well as fiber and heart-healthy monounsaturated fats. But if your goal is to lose weight, you will need to watch your intake. Avocados are high in fat and calorically dense. One serving size is about 1/5 of an avocado, and clocks in at 50 calories, and a single avocado can deliver more than 350 calories. This means that the small bowl of guacamole you enjoy so much is more than a snack, it's actually getting closer to a whole meal.
A container of plain yogurt contains just 100 calories and provides a dose of bone-building calcium. But one small cup of yogurt that comes with fruit on the bottom may contain up to 150 calories and 26 grams of sugar. Buy plain, fat-free yogurt and add sweetness with fresh fruit and honey. Fat-free Greek yogurt is even better, it is naturally lower in sugar but contains double the protein to keep you satisfied longer.
Sandwich wraps
You may feel proud for choosing a wrap over a couple slices of bread. It turns out that many varieties are actually worse for your waistline than a couple slices of whole grain bread. A Mission Spinach Wrap, for example, racks up 210 calories, 5 grams of fat, and 440 milligrams of belly-bloating sodium. Keep calories under control by using smaller sandwich tortillas that are 6 to 8 inches in diameter. You should also be sure the package says "100% whole grain." Some veggie wraps are just a white-flour wrap with a tiny amount of veggies and a whole lot of food coloring.
Red wine
People who consume moderate amounts of red wine may be at reduced risk for heart disease, Alzheimer's, certain types of cancers, and even weight gain. The key word here is moderation. A 5-ounce serving is about 130 calories. Beware fishbowl-sized glasses, which make you more likely to over-pour. Pour your wine into a measuring cup, and then dump it into your glass to see what a serving looks like in your glassware.
Veggie burgers
Veggie burgers have less fat and cholesterol than traditional beef patties. Like any burger, though, you can easily add 1,000 calories or more by piling on cheese, ketchup, and mayo on a huge bun. You may need to go easy on the toppings and try one of these slim recipes.
They are good as long as you don't load your leafy greens with shredded cheese, croutons, candied nuts, and creamy dressing. Doing that can easily make your meal even more fattening than having pizza for dinner. Cut down on add-ons and go easy on the dressing.
Energy bar
Energy bars are loaded with sugar and carbs and are high on the glycemic index. Eat one while sitting at your desk, and you will feel the sugar rush, and then the crash.
Though energy bars are not ideal for everyday snacking, they come in handy when you are exercising for longer than an hour. If you are going on a three-hour bike ride, for instance, you'll need to stop and eat about halfway through in order to have enough energy to pedal yourself home.
Cheese is a good source of protein and calcium, but of course, it is full of fat and calories. An ounce of cheddar, for example, contains 113 calories and 9 grams of fat (6 saturated).
Limit your portions, but don't reach for low-fat varieties. A small serving of full-fat cheese is more satisfying. Go for fresh feta or goat cheese. They contain a fatty acid that helps you feel full and burn more fat.
Eggs are one of the best ways to start your day. They are loaded with protein and vitamin D, plus hard-to-get choline. However, an omelet can quickly turn from metabolism-booster to waist-widener when you load it with cheese and fatty meats. You may fill your omelet with veggies instead, which adds fiber and nutrients in addition to big flavor. You could also try one of these high-protein breakfast recipes that feature eggs.
Whole milk
Milk really does do your body good: it is packed with vitamins A and D, protein, and calcium. A cup of whole milk, however, sets you back nearly 150 calories and 8 grams of fat. You could switch to low-fat or non-fat milk and save up to 70 calories per cup, but some experts believe that the fat in whole milk makes it more satiating. Even non-fat milk contains 80 calories per cup, so no matter which you choose, mind your portions.
It is tempting to stock up on canned soup, since it makes for an easy, satisfying meal, packed with veggies. The bad news is that canned soups are typically high in salt, which can cause bloating and fluid retention; and made of highly processed ingredients. Opt for low-fat and low-sodium versions of canned soup. Plus, you can always use water to dilute any soup in order to cut down on the salt content.
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