Do not add sweeteners and don’t use any processed juice, only fresh When on a raw juice therapy, the prescribed juice should be drunk every three hours. One can thus take juices five to six times a day.
- A warm glass of water mixed with lemon juice, one teaspoon of honey, may be taken first thing in the morning on arising to aid with the toxin cleanse. .
- If you have any stomach pain, dilute further or “chew” it before swallowing to thoroughly mix with saliva. The actual amount of juice will be about half a quart per day.
- Drink a glass of room temperature or lukewarm water in between each juice to promote elimination.
- One or two cups of herbal tea is ok. You can use a stimulating one in the morning and a sleep-enhancing one before bed.
- While fresh juices should be drunk promptly, don’t drink in a hurry. Take the time to treat it as a “meal”, paying attention to the physical sensations that come from the body’s nourishment.
- Eating the juice with a spoon can help you slow down and feel fuller.
Thereafter, the prescribed juice may be taken at three-hourly intervals The juice diet can be continued for 3 days without any ill-effects. The patient should take adequate rest during the raw juice therapy.. Consultation with a health care professional is often recommended for fasts longer than three to five days.
Raw juices act as a cleansing agent and start eliminating toxins and morbid matter from the system immediately. This often results in symptoms such as pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, loss of weight, headache, fever, weakness, sleeplessness and bad breath. These reactions, which are part of the cleansing process, should not be suppressed by the use of drugs. They will cease when the body is able to expel all toxins.
After the raw juice therapy, the return to normal balanced diet should be gradual.
The Juice Fast Daily Plan
Upon awakening. A warm glass of water mixed with lemon juice, one teaspoon of honey, a dash of vinegar plus a small pinch of cayenne pepper may be taken first thing in the morning on arising to aid with the toxin cleanse. A warm glass of water mixed with lemon juice, one teaspoon of honey, a dash of vinegar plus a small pinch of cayenne pepper may be taken first thing in the morning on arising to aid with the toxin cleanse
- Breakfast: 2-3 ounces juice diluted with water. Fruit juice is good at this point for the energy supplied by the sugars.
- During the morning: Another 2-3 ounces fruit juice diluted with water.
- Lunch: 5-6 ounces vegetable juice diluted with water.
- During the afternoon: 2-3 ounces fruit juice diluted with water.
- Dinner (no later than 7 p.m.): 4 ounces vegetable juice and 2 ounces fruit juice, both diluted, but not mixed together.
- Before bed: 1 cup of herbal tea, perhaps a sleep-inducing one or one with laxative properties.
Other Parts of a Juice Fast
There are other components of a well-designed juice fast:
1) Physical activity
While it’s a good idea to tone down your exercise routine during a juice fast, mild exercise such as walking can help to boost blood and lymphatic circulation. Also try massage therapy (such as Swedish massage, lymphatic drainage, deep tissue massage, and Thai massage), contrast showers, and dry skin brushing, which can be done as part of your regular shower.
2) Promote elimination
Stored toxins that are mobilized during a cleanse must be released out of the system or they are can be reabsorbed into the system. Proponents of juice fasting may recommend colonic irrigation or an enema at the start of a juice fast. Other methods of promoting elimination include herbal laxatives, such as senna tea or cascara, detox teas, and increased fluid intake.
3) Mind/body wellness
Stress can have negative effects on health and can impair detoxification. Allow the mind to rest by incorporating mind/body practices such as diaphragmatic breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or mindfulness meditation. Try to get plenty of rest. Go to bed as early as you can and take naps if possible.
According to traditional Chinese medicine, the liver is associated with anger, the kidneys with fear, and the gallbladder holds frustration. Proponents of juice fasting believe that old emotions may arise and be cleansed from the system as the corresponding organs are cleansed.

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