
Juice Power for Healthy Glowing Skin

juices for skin

Refreshing, invigorating, and relaxing, fruit juices provide the perfect balance of health benefits for today’s eat-on-the-run lifestyle. They provide a variety of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and a good amount of fiber.


Not only can juicing leave your skin with an all-natural glow, it can help with healing chronic disease and flushing out toxins from the organs.

If you're struggling with acne or other aggravated skin conditions, learning to detox your body with the power of juicing is a must. It is important to know that fruits and vegetables can serve as potent detoxifiers and you can create juice combinations that serve you best. EHC brings you some of the mixes for a flawless skin.



Carrots have an insane amount of vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant that prevents cells from degenerating, helps to slow aging, and maintain a youthful appearance. Vitamin A helps the body to maintain tissue growth along with healthy vision, bones, and teeth. Carrots also contain vitamin C, which helps the body produce collagen. Collagen is essential for skin elasticity, preventing wrinkles, and slowing signs of aging. The potassium in carrots plays a role in the growth of new skin cells, helping the body maintain the proper electrolyte balance, reduce acne/blemishes, and prevent and cure scars or dark spots on the skin.


Kale is a powerful leafy green vegetable that packs a mean acne-fighting punch. Kale, which is an incredibly effective anti-inflammatory food, is an excellent source of nutrition, including vitamins A, C, K, E, B1, B2, B3, calcium, beta-carotene, phosphorous, iron, copper, magnesium, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, and the carotenoid lutein. The vitamin A content promotes the repair and maintenance of the skin, and the omega-3 fatty acids add to its anti-inflammatory properties.


Beets are full of nutrients that are essential for healthy, glowing skin. They are blood and liver cleansers, and when curing skin conditions, cleansing the blood is vital. Beets are very powerful and potent, so it is best to never use an entire beet in one juice. If you have kidney stones, don't drink juices with beets.




Parsley is a popular herb rich in vitamins A and C. It also helps clear blemishes and maintain an even skin tone, while also cleansing the urinary tract, liver, and kidneys. Parsley has high levels of vitamin K, which can improve skin elasticity and speed up the wound-healing process.


Ginger is a power ingredient that can be added to any juice to increase the health benefits and boost your immune system. This root is perfect for acne because it is supercharged to reduce inflammation, and contains nutrients like magnesium, potassium, manganese, and vitamin B6, along with anti-aging antioxidants.


Lemons are powerful citrus fruits that are effective as a food and medicine. They contain vitamin C, citric acid, and B vitamins. The benefits relevant to clearing your skin include purifying the blood, cleansing the kidneys, and assisting in elimination of toxins.

Juice Recipes

Juicing allows your body to absorb a plethora of nutrients that far outweighs your intake when simply consuming solid fruits and vegetables. These nutrients help in detox, weight loss, and glowing skin.

Green Juice

Ingredients are 1 green apple, 1 handful parsley, 1 handful kale, 3 stalks celery, 1/2 cucumber, 1/2 lemon, 1 inch ginger, and 2 handfuls romaine.

All Clear Juice

This is cooling and calming concoction to help clear your skin. Ingredients are few slices of pineapple, 1/2 cucumber, and 1/2 apple.

woman making juice

Super Eight Juice

This juice helps relieve stress and aid weight loss. Ingredients are 1 kale leaf, 1 collard leaf, handful parsley, 1 stalk celery, 1 carrot, 1/2 red pepper, 1 tomato, and 1 broccoli floret.

Skin Smoothie

Ingredients are 4 celery, 1 bunch parsley, 2 handfuls spinach, 2 carrots, 1 apple, 1 bunch cilantro, lemon, and ginger.

Carumber Juice

Ingredients are 2 large carrots, 1 celery stalk, 1 apple, and 1 cucumber,

Ginger Orange & Berry Juice

Ingredients are 1-inch piece of fresh ginger root, 2 oranges, and 1/2 cup of berries (any kind).

Anti-Aging Cabbage Juice

Ingredients are 4 large or 8 small cabbage leaves, 6 carrots, and ½ – 1–inch piece of ginger. Cabbage contains beta-carotene, vitamin C and selenium which slows the aging process and encourages healthy skin.

Skin Hydrator & Cleanser

Ingredients are 6 stalks of celery, 1 cucumber, a handful of spinach or other leafy green, and 1 apple.

EHC believes that the best way to begin beautifying your skin starts from within. Along with inner cleansing and good thinking, fruit and vegetable juices is not longer secret to a captivating skin complexion.


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