Living in a modern world is convenient, but it comes with many negative effects too. We are being exposed to various toxins on a daily basis, and it is almost impossible to stay away from them.
Toxins are found in the food we eat, the electronic devices we use daily, in the household cleaners, and in the cosmetic products we use on a daily basis. Toxic free radicals are also formed in the body as a result of hormonal imbalance, anxiety, stress, and emotional disturbances.
Consequently, the body develops certain mechanisms like crying, sweating, urination, and defecation which help manage the accumulation of toxins in the body. According to many experts, the body needs an occasional detoxification to improve the overall health and fight off diseases. Detox treatments should be combined with healthy and balanced diet so that the body gets the needed nutrients.
Our body sends signals when overloaded with toxins and it is important to pay attention to these. If neglected, our health may worsen and we then become prone to various health issues. On the other hand, if we take these signs seriously and remove the toxins from the system, the body instantly gets an energy boost. So let us understand these warning signs and know when it is time for a detox!!
1. Insomnia
Since toxins reduce the melatonin levels in the body, it is very likely you experience insomnia or sleep disturbances.
2. Abdominal Fat
As mentioned in the very beginning, toxic buildup in the body may be a result of anxiety, anger, stress, and day-to-day problems. Toxins inhibit body`s ability to regulate glucose and cholesterol levels, which in turn leads to accumulation of fat in the abdominal area.
3. Overheating
When the body is overloaded with toxins, the heart is forced to work harder, which leads to “overheating”, a condition which increases the body fat. Sweating is a natural mechanism used by the body to expel toxins through the skin pores.
4. Congested sinuses
Congested sinuses are very common, typically after inhaling toxic chemicals.
5. Gallbladder issues
Too concentrated bile indicates that the body is loaded with toxins. This clogs the gallbladder and increases the risk of gallstones.
6. Skin Issues
Dry skin, rashes, or acne may be signs of toxic buildup in the body, which is often the major cause of all skin issues.
7. White or Yellow Tongue
In healthy individuals, the tongue is pale red or bright pink. In a case of accumulation of toxins in the body, the tongue turns white or yellow and your breath becomes bad and unusual. In case you experience any of these signs, do a detox as soon as possible.
8. Headaches
Chronic headaches often indicate that the body is full of toxins and that it needs a detox. Therefore, instead of reaching for some painkiller, do a detox first and see if it helps.
9. Lack of Energy
Almost every person experiences a lack of energy. We all know that many things can exhaust us and make us tired. But waking up tired every day and not being able to make it through the day is a sign that your body needs immediate detox.
So, if you have any of these warning signs start now with a detox treatment and rid your body of all that built up toxic burden.
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