When a person’s heart beats, blood is pumped through the vascular system. Arteries dilate and expand during blood circulation, thus putting pressure on the arteries.
Too much pressure buildup inside the arteries can result in high blood pressure or hypertension. Thus, it becomes very important for any individual to be aware of his blood pressure to maintain a healthy life. Blood pressure is accurately measured using a cuff and a stethoscope or a digital blood pressure monitor.
But can you measure your blood pressure without the use of any equipment?
Yes, there are ways to get an approximate systolic beat value but not the diastolic beat value. To get the diastolic beat value, you still need a cuff and a stethoscope or digital blood pressure monitor. Here is how you get the systolic beat value.
Step 1:
Run the index and middle fingers of your right hand along the left hand, the left hand palm facing upward.
Step 2:
Try and find the radial pulse which is below the thumb and little above the wrist.
Step 3:
Move your fingers along this area to feel the radial pulse.
Step 4:
If you can feel the radial pulse without any difficulty, then your systolic blood pressure is at least 80 mmHg.
Step 5:
If you can feel the radial pulse more prominently, then your systolic blood pressure is above 80 mmHg.
Step 6:
If you can only feel a faint radial pulse, then your systolic blood pressure is below 80. This is due to the fact that since the radial pulse is much smaller than the femoral artery, the blood pressure has to be at least 80 mmHg for a pulse to reach it.
Step 7:
For a more accurate reading of your systolic and diastolic blood pressure, you need to use a blood pressure monitoring machine.
Image courtesy: sanomacloud.net , wisegeek.com ,