Find new ways to crunch, bend and twist in your daily life. Some possibilities include:
- Use a stability ball. Do your crunches on the ball to introduce instability to your workout, which will improve your balance too. There are also lots of core exercises that cathe way. Do this as often as you are comfortable or at times when it won’t look weird. You can bend forward from the hips or, if you’re really into it, bend at the knees too and really “sink” out of the way.
- Add complex core-movements to your workout. That will boost your overall body constitution tremendously. For example, combine push-ups with rows. Go into a push-up position on two dumbbells. Now don’t do a push-up, but instead start to row alternating dumbbells. See how much power you need only to hold balance? Combine exercises! Be creative. Tension is your friend.
- If you feel you need to, ease into the changes in your lifestyle. Start eating breakfast. If you have difficulty with this, start with a couple glasses of water or a large cup of coffee right when you wake up. It’ll go down easy and prepare your stomach to get back to work. Cut the amount of dinners little by little. For the exercises, start slow and increase pace and/or repetitions as you are comfortable. Attempting lifestyle changes in a drastic, sudden manner can backfire. Do what you can but don’t sell yourself short.
- Everyone has abs you just have fat covering them, you have to lose the fat then strengthen your abs.
- Keep hydrated. Drink lots of water, and eat healthy. Don’t deprive yourself from food, it will only make you sick.
- It’s a genetic fact that for some people there will always be just a little more fat over the muscle layers than we’d like. That’s the way nature is and forcing your body to lose more than that can be a very dangerous effort.
- Opinions on weight loss and muscle training routines are like noses – everyone has one but they’re all different. In the end, you should find something you enjoy and that you will stick for life. Over time, you can modify it until you get the results that are right for you.
- It may help to use a record-keeper or plan book for your exercise program. Exercise journals are fantastic for this purpose because as you enter daily information in the journal, you’re putting together a complete record that can be referred back to in the future.
- Supplements can be useful, but they are just what they advertise themselves to be; supplements. There is no magic pill to make you lose weight with no work. There are some supplements out there that can help you lose weight by increasing your metabolism or by helping you curb your appetite, but you still have to work. Most tend to be “snake oil” and will not really give you any results while costing you great deals of money. And remember, even if they DO help, all supplements still require the consumer to watch their diet and increase their exercise. A simple multivitamin or mineral pill is likely all that most people will need.
- Many people’s abdominal muscles are off-set, which can give the illusion of a 5 pack, 4 pack, or even 3 pack depending upon your genetics, the thickness of your abs, and your present level of body fat.
- Make sure to stretch before all exercises. If not you could injure yourself
- Unless you are watching your weight for another reason, ignore the reading on the scale. You may be decreasing your body fat but your weight may stay the same (or even increase) as you build muscle. Muscle tissue is denser than fat so it will be heavier than the same volume of fat. Water weight can also vary your readings by a surprisingly large amount.
- Avoid drinking excessive alcohol as it can slow your metabolism.
- Make a photo diary of your body but don’t take pictures too often (once a month is fine). Don’t study your pictures intensely since you might not get motivated if you don’t see a difference. If you are consistent in your diet and exercise, you should see changes monthly. Keep in mind that you won’t see changes in the mirror every day since they will be very small improvements.
- Try swimming. It is one of the most effective ways of exercising your whole body, especially your abs.
- Be sure to exercise your back muscles just as much as your abdominal muscles or you might develop poor posture.
- Make sure you give yourself adequate amount of rest (8 hrs for adults, and 8-10 hrs for kids and teenagers). When exercising you actually break down the muscle and if you give then the proper time to heal (and eat the proper foods) they will grow back stronger than before.
- Don’t neglect warm-ups or you may find yourself pulling muscles!
- Do not fall for “miracle diets”, even ones that sound healthy. Some diets may help you lose weight or gain muscle fast, though specialized diets (focusing on a certain food group or product) are often unpleasant to follow and rarely provide enough nutrients. You can still eat lots of food and lose weight, you just need to avoid exceeding the recommended amount of fat intake per day, as well as get as many nutrients as possible.
- Many people do not really know what a complete diet is. There are dozens, if not hundreds, of nutrients that you need, even if you’re not following an exercise regimen. Your diet should contain a wealth of leafy greens (i.e. Spinach), lean meat (fish, lean beef/pork), fruits (as a source of carbohydrates and sugars), fiber (i.e. oat-based cereal), various other vegetables (such as red/green/orange peppers, mushrooms, garlic, onion, etc, etc), tubers such as potatoes (preferable sweet potatoes, since they contain a larger wealth of nutrients), etc, etc. Your diet should be diverse, not focused on only fruit shakes, or fish, etc. Don’t hesitate to get a regular flow of sugar from fruits/vegetables, you should only slightly reduce your intake when trying to lose fat, or else you’ll find yourself constantly feeling tired, possibly depressed, etc. The key to dieting is to slightly reduce your intake of calories/carbohydrates/sugars, they are all still essential, if you deprive yourself of them, the diet will feel like hell, and you may develop health issues.
- Be wary of ab machines shown on TV. Many of these are in fact rip offs and you are more likely to stay motivated if you incorporate an abs workout into a regular gym session. You are less likely to get sick of it!
- For people who have a few extra pounds around the belly and start this from scratch, building ab muscles may make you look larger in the belly for a period of time since you are putting on muscle beneath your fat at first. You may want to begin for a significant period of time by doing more cardiovascular exercises to lose fat all over the body. Doing specific muscle exercises, unfortunately, does not remove fat from that specific area of the body. Additionally, focusing solely on the abs can produce an imbalance in the body and may cause back problems where there were none before or exacerbate any existing problems.
- Try to keep a steady eating routine. It will throw your body off if you skip a meal and starve yourself only to stuff your face later. Avoid such situations as much as possible. If you go hungry for an extended period of time your metabolism will slow down. The body, thinking that no food is available tries to make the best of what it has and goes into power-saving mode. Whilst on ‘power-saving’ mode, the body will supplement its carbohydrates (being burnt for energy) with the proteins in your muscles. What this means is that you are in fact eating back into that six pack just to try and make it show through.
- Most, if not all of these exercises are not recommended for people with lower back problems. There are many other ways to properly develop six pack abs without putting so much strain on your back. If in doubt or experiencing lower back pain, talk to a physical therapist for proper ways of performing the routines.
- Don’t over work yourself. This will hurt you more than it helps.
- Know your limits.
- Fiber also acts like a mild laxative. Be careful if you eat a lot of fiber. It can also cause some gas if you’re not used to taking in so much fiber. If you increase your fiber dosage by a lot, increase your water intake too. Excessive fiber with little water can result in digestive problems.
- As with any exercise program, consult your doctor before making major changes in your workout routine, especially if you have medical problems. Increase loads slowly. Being eager is great but setting unrealistic goals isn’t going to help you in the long run.
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