
How to Get Rid of a Double Chin?

double chin

9.     Egg White

Egg white is also good for the overall health of the skin and you can definitely use it to get rid of double chin. You can make homemade facial mask with egg whites.


To make this facial mask, you need egg whites of two eggs, a tablespoon of milk, small amount of peppermint essential oil, one tablespoon of honey, and one tablespoon of lemon juice. Put all the ingredients in a bowl and whisk it properly. Now apply this mask to the skin around your chin and neck area and allow it to dry for about half an hour. Finally rinse it off with lukewarm water and pat dry your skin. Do this once daily to enjoy quick result.

10.  Melon

Melon has many properties that can tone the skin and help to reduce the problem of double chin. Extract fresh melon juice and then with the help of a cotton ball apply it to the affected skin area around the chin and neck. Leave it for twenty minutes and then clean the area with fresh water. For better result, combine melon juice with apple juice and then use it to massage the soft tissue around your jaw line. At the same time, you must increase the intake of melon as it is high in water content. This will help to flush out the unwanted toxins from your body and also help in weight loss.

11.  Water

To lose weight and reduce the appearance of double chin you must drink ample amounts of water. It has been found that lack of water can add weight to your face and lead to double chin. So, try to drink at least eight to ten glasses of water daily. This will help to keep your body well hydrated and will help to flush out the unwanted toxins from inside your body. Along with water, you must also try to increase the intake of foods that are high in water content such as melon, cucumbers, lettuce and celery. At the same time, try to limit the consumption of coffee, alcohol, tea and carbonated drinks.


12.  Glycerin

You can also make a natural mask with glycerin to get rid of double chin. To make the mask, you will need one tablespoon of glycerin, half tablespoon of Epsom salts and a few drops of peppermint oil. Mix all the ingredients together and then with a cotton pad, apply it directly onto the neck and chin area. Leave it for several minutes so that all the nutrients get inside the skin properly. Finally wash the area thoroughly with cool water. Follow this remedy three to five times in a week to notice positive results.

13.  Green Tea

An increase in green tea intake is also an effective way to get rid of a double chin. Green tea contains potent antioxidants and various components that speed up your metabolism rate and help to burn extra calories. So, it is a good idea to drink green tea instead of caffeine drinks. Start your day with a cup of green tea and you can have several cups throughout the day. As green tea is available in different flavors, you can choose one that suits your taste buds.

14.  Cocoa Butter

You can also rub your throat and chin with cocoa butter to solve the problem of double chin. Take a few tablespoons of cocoa butter and slightly warm it in the microwave and use this warm oil to massage your neck and double chin area as gently as possible. Make sure to massage for several minutes every night before going to bed and repeat the process again before taking a bath in the morning. When cocoa butter is used regularly it will improve the elasticity of your skin.

15.  Wheat Germ Oil

Regular neck massage with wheat germ oil is another effective way to get rid of a double chin. Wheat germ oil has the goodness of vitamin E oil which will nourishes the skin around the chin area and at the same time it will help tighten the skin too. Before going to bed, take some wheat germ oil and rub it gently near the chin area. Now gently massage upwards from the bottom of the neck to the chin for about fifteen minutes. Leave the oil on your skin overnight. If done regularly, you will soon notice improvement in the appearance of double chin.

16.  Expression Exercises

Practicing different facial expressions will also be a good workout for your facial muscles. Make a surprised look, frown or smile widely. Feel your muscles work. Hold each facial expression for 10 seconds. Return to original position. Repeat the process. All of these expressions will strengthen your facial muscles while reducing your double chin.

17. Prone Exercises

Lie on your back on a bed. Slide your head over the side of the bed. Lift your head up. Hold in this position for 10 seconds. Slide your head back to the original position. Repeat the process.

A variation involves lying on the bed in a prone position. Lift your head up as far as you can. Hold for 10 seconds. Lay your head back onto the surface. Repeat.

18. Hair

If you have a double chin, it is best to stick to haircuts that end at the jaw line or above the jaw line. This is because long hair will pull more attention to a double chin than ever. This is perfectly fine if you have a slender neck. But since you have a double chin, short haircut is your best bet as it can create an impression of a longer neck.

19. Yoga for Double Chin 

  • Bhujangasan (Cobra pose): This asana has you lying on the mat, face down and your arms under your chest. You have to stretch your back upwards to the sky. This asana helps you to stretch your abdomen and strengthen your back.
  • Dhanurasana (Bow pose): Lying face-down, hold your ankles by bending your knees towards your buttocks. Raise your head and shoulder-blades up by pulling at your ankles. Keep this position for 10 seconds. This exercise strengthens your back and helps tighten your abdomen.
  • Pavan Muktasana (Pose to release air): This pose helps you release air inside your stomach. It involves you lying on your back, and pulling your legs into your stomach. You will often pass wind in this position, but don’t be embarrassed, it’s a good thing!


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