
Healthiest Plants for Your Home

pants for home

[sws_yellow_box box_size=”300″]Contents: Health Benefits of indoor plants. Types of healthy indoor plants. Its effects over mind, children and noise pollution. Ways to keep house plants healthy.[/sws_yellow_box]Did you know that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates indoor air to be typically two to five times more polluted than the air outside, and in extreme cases, as much as 100 times more contaminated?


This dire state is attributed not just to dust and bacteria, rather the dangerous off-gasses of building materials, carpets, toxic paints and cleaning products that are used in your house. Plants can actually help to minimize the air quality risks in your home by removing the potent chemicals, leaving only the cleanest air indoors.


Often people do not understand why they feel sick on a regular basis and why we develop symptoms that worsen over time. We hardly know that inside our house, various toxins are present at any time: toluene, xylene, ethyl acetate, methylene, acetone and chloroform, none of which are healthy.

Among other toxins present, three are of major concern: benzene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde, which could lead to serious health problems like asthma, cancer and various allergies.

More than 900 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can fill your indoor air, some of which include detrimental chemicals such as formaldehyde, xylene (cleaning agent, paint thinner), benzene (detergents, tobacco smoke, plastics, synthetic fibers), chloroform/trichloroethylene (metal degreasing, dry-cleaning, paints, adhesives), ammonia and acetone. He also confirms that research has proven VOCs may cause nausea, headaches, coughs, fatigue, dry skin and sore throats – all because of poor indoor air quality.


green plants inside home

Chemicals from building materials, furniture, and even air fresheners can make indoor air toxic, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.

“Houseplants give off oxygen and help remove chemicals like formaldehyde, a common indoor vapor that can cause respiratory and neurological problems, as well as cancer,” he says. These great picks may not cure asthma, but they can help you breathe easly.

Fabulous Houseplants that Work as Living Air Purifiers


spider plant

1. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

A beautiful houseplant with long grassy leaves, the spider plant also grows rapidly. This elegant plant is great at removing poisonous gases as well as other impurities like formaldehyde and xylene , a solvent used in the leather, rubber and printing industries.

For better effect, it should be kept in the kitchen or near the fireplace, as these are the places where carbon monoxide accumulates a lot.

boston fern

2. Boston fern (Nephrolepsis exaltata bostoniensis)

An exotic plant that has gracefully arching fronds and frilly leaves, the Boston fern also acts as a natural humidifier. Boston ferns grow better in filtered sunlight and in humid conditions. By releasing moisture into the air, they remove nasty air pollutants such as benzene, formaldehyde and xylene, providing clean air inside the home.

areca palm

3. Areca Palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens)

This very sensitive plant with feathery fronds is best known as a humidifier. Though the plant grows slowly and needs year-round care, it can be kept anywhere in the house, especially next to newly varnished furniture or in carpeted areas. The areca palm helps remove deadly toxins like formaldehyde and xylene.

Areca Palm Tree is a great living room plant. Excellent air humidifier, removes Carbon Dioxide and toxins from the air. A recent study done by NASA gives this indoor plant an air purifying score of 8.5


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