All of us would have had days where our eyes just don’t stop itching. What we feel is just reach up there and scratch it away. Though itching eyes do not cause any threat to eyesight, they can be a source of irritation and anxiety for patients.
It can affect the quality of day- to- day life of a person. Itchy eye is a common problem and it gets worse during the pollen season or in the highly – polluted environment. Any unpleasant itchy sensation in and around the eyes is considered as an itchy eye. This is a very common condition seen with people suffering from allergy. Itching eyes can be a symptom of an underlying cause too.
- Allergies to pollen are a cause for allergic conjunctivitis causing redness and itching.
- Dryness of the eyes.
- Asthma, allergic rhinitis, and eczema can cause itching of the eyes.
- Contact lenses and improper hygiene while using contact lenses can induce conjunctivitis and itching.
- Bacterial infections.
- Triggers like warm climate and pet dander increases the itching of the eyes.
- Sensitivity to certain cosmetic products can cause itching.
The important symptoms of the itchy eyes are continuous itching of the eye, burning sensation of the eye, runny eyes, inflamed eyelids, inflammation of conjunctiva, red and irritated eyes and eyelids, discharge from the eye, and sensitivity to light.
Usually antihistamine drops are used to relieve eye itching caused by allergy. The best method to control eye itching is to avoid allergens. There are many home remedies available to reduce the redness and itching of the eyes caused by different reasons or triggers.
Home Remedies
Aloe Vera
Cut open the leaf of fresh aloe vera plant and extract the aloe vera juice. Mix this juice with a teaspoon of honey and half a cup of elderberry blossom tea. Rinse your eyes with this solution mixture for a minimum of two times a day. Repeat this daily until the itching eye problem is solved completely.
Vegetable Juices
Raw vegetable juices, especially raw carrot juices and spinach juices, are found to be very effective in treating itching eye problems. You need to extract fresh carrot juice from one or two carrots and drink this juice twice every day to get rid of itching eyes. Likewise spinach juice also. You can think of combining both the carrot and spinach juice and drink it twice a day to see effective results.
Fenugreek Seeds
Soak fenugreek seeds in water for about 8 to 10 hours. Grind the seeds with enough water to make a smooth paste. Apply this fenugreek seed paste over your eyes and leave it there for 20 minutes. Wash the paste off your eyes with cold water. Repeat this process two times a day until you get complete relief from itching eyes.
Raw Potatoes
Cut a raw cleaned potato into thin round slices. Keep the cut slices in the refrigerator for several minutes. Now, once the slices are cooled, remove it from the refrigerator and place it over your eyes for about 30 minutes. Repeat this process three times a day to get better relief from itching eyes.
Cold Milk
Take a clean cotton ball and dip it in a glass of cold milk. Now, rub the cotton ball around your eyes. You can also place the cotton ball soaked with cold milk on the eyes and use it as a cold compress to get an instant cooling effect for the eyes. Keep it there on your eyes for 15 to 20 minutes.
Water & Salt
In a cup of distilled pure water, add a teaspoon of salt. This is a natural eye wash. Boil this natural eye wash until the soil completely dissolves in the water. Allow the water to cool to room temperature and then flush your eyes with this water to get relief from itching eyes.
Witch Hazel
You can use witch hazel soaked cotton balls or gauze pad as a cold compress on your closed eyes. Leave it there for a few minutes. Repeat this remedy three times a day to get effective results. The astringent properties of witch hazel will help in reducing swelling of the eyes.
Castor Oil
Use a clean dropper and then suck pure castor oil in the cleaned dropper. Pour one drop of castor oil in each eye. Repeat this process three to four times a day to reduce eye swelling and provide a soothing effect to your eyes.
Cucumber provides coolness to the eyes and soothes the eyes. It reduces the irritation of the eyes and reduces swelling of the eyes. Wash and clean the cucumber and make thin slices of it. Refrigerate it for 15-20 minutes and put them over the eyes. Repeat the remedy four to five times a day.
Eye Care During Summer
Avoid going out in the sun especially during the peak hours unless it is very important to move out.
Use appropriate sun glasses when moving out in the sun. The sun glasses should be covering the side of your temples. Sun glasses also protect your eyes from dust and fumes.
Personal hygiene and cleanliness of your eyes is very important. Regularly wash your eyes and hands. Do not frequently wash your eyes as it washes away the antibodies present in tear. Also, do not rub your eyes as it can increase the problem of eye infection.
If you are suffering from eye infection then avoid sitting directly in front of air condition though air conditioners filter the air and limits the flow of allergens.
Avoid wearing lenses in dusty environment. And also the lenses should be cleaned and stored properly.
Wash your eyes with cold water at least three times a day. This will help removing the unnecessary dust particles that enter your eyes and cause damage.
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