Medical Benefits
Honey has anti-viral, anti-microbial and anti-parasitic effects. Its capacity to inhibit the growth of micro-organisms and fungi is well documented. The low water activity of honey inhibits bacterial growth and honey glucose oxidase produces the anti-bacterial agent hydrogen peroxide.
Depending on its botanical source, honey gives significant anti-oxidant activity protecting against oxidation responsible for chronic diseases. It also has anti-mutagenic, anti-tumor as well as anti-inflammatory qualities that stimulate anti-body production.
Honey is effective in dressing wounds. It has recently been used in clinical settings for treating fist sized ulcers extending to the bone as well as in the treatment of first, second and third degree burns. Complete recovery has been reported with no infections, muscle loss or any need of skin grafts. When the wounds are clean, honey acts as a healer. Garlic honey, which is just a mixture of honey and garlic, can be applied directly to infected wounds to clean the area. Dr. Peter Molan ofWaikato University in New Zealand observed that honey was more effective in managing infections on burn wounds than anti-bacterial ointments used in hospitals.
Moreover, in a study conducted by Penn State University, honey was discovered to be better at alleviating cough than over the counter drugs. The study led by Dr. Ian Paul found that a small amount of buckwheat honey, given before bedtime, provided better relief for kids from night time cough and sleep difficulty than the use of dextromethorphan (DM). DM is an over the counter cold medication. This finding is significant in light of a recent Food and Drug Administration advisory that cautioned against giving cough and cold medicine to children below six years old due to its potential side effects ineffectiveness. Incidentally, consumers spend billion of dollars each year for medication not proven to give significant relief.
Honey Reduces Heart Disease Risk
Eating honey can lower the risk of heart disease, according to a preliminary study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food (2004;1:100–7). The beneficial effect of honey occurred despite the fact that two of its constituents (sucrose and fructose) are known to have a negative effect on heart disease risk factors.
Made by honeybees, honey’s sweet taste comes from the three sugars that are its primary constituents: sucrose, glucose, and fructose. A diet high in table sugar (sucrose) is known to increase the risk of obesity, insulin resistance, and high blood pressure. Sucrose also reduces the levels of beneficial HDL cholesterol and increases triglyceride levels. Fructose has similar effects to those of sucrose. Honey is a complex food; aside from sugars, it contains a number of potentially beneficial enzymes, amino acids, pigments, pollen, wax, and traces of nutrients from both bees and plants. It is known to have wound-healing and antibacterial properties, and some studies have suggested that eating honey can reduce blood levels of some markers that are linked to an increased risk of heart disease.
Negatives of Eating Too Much Honey
Sugars and Weight Gain
Honey contains the same caloric ratio as table sugar and high fructose corn syrup, four per gram. Like these other sugar sources, eating excessive amounts of honey without increasing exercise will result in weight gain. Weight gain happens when caloric intake exceeds calories burned. Honey averages 64 calories per tablespoon and eating it in excess, like any other calorie source, will add pounds.
Diabetes, Heart Disease and Cancer
Excessive use of honey on foods or eaten alone can increase the risks of developing a chronic illness like heart disease. Pancreatic cancer is increased by 70 percent by a high sugar intake diet. Honey affects the insulin production in the body in much the same way as table sugar and constant stimulation of insulin production by overeating honey can lead to the disorder diabetes.
On occasion honey has been known to cause allergic reactions in humans. The cause is honey that has been contaminated with specific types of pollen or has been created with the nectar of specific plants. Depending on the severity of the allergy to the plant species, consuming a little or a lot of a certain variety of honey could result in diarrhea, itchy mucosa, abdominal pain, vomiting and more severe reactions like anaphylaxis and angioedema.
Eating foods that are higher in the Glycemic Index cause increases in the presence of acne on the skin. Honey ranges on the glycemic index from low to high depending upon the type of honey. Eating excessive amounts of honey will increase the glycemic intake regardless of the type of honey consumed and could cause acne to surface or worsen.
It is not recommended for infants under one year of age. Honey may contain C. botulinum spores, which can make infants very ill.
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