Summer vacation brings along with it lots of enjoyment, it is a time when you, your family and friends love to enjoy being outdoors but while out in the sun, getting tanned is not so enjoyable.
To protect you from sun tan, there are over-the-counter creams available at the pharmacy. But did you know that there are home-made natural scrubs which can help you remove sun tan as well as retain the softness, suppleness, and smoothness of your skin.
Read on for those 8 recipes.
Scrub #1
Mix thoroughly equal measures of lemon juice, milk powder, almond oil, and honey to make a good scrub. Massage it gently on your tanned face, arms, and even the entire body, leave it for 15-20 minutes, and then wash it off with cool water. Use the scrub twice a day to remove sun tan faster.
Scrub #2
To 1 – 1-1/2 tablespoons sandalwood powder add a cup of milk and also a little bit of turmeric powder. Mix it thoroughly, apply the scrub on the tanned areas. Leave it for 10-15 minutes, wash it off using cool water, you feel refreshed. Apply the scrub twice a day to remove sun tan faster.
Scrub # 3
Take some lemon juice, add sugar, and make a thick paste. Apply the paste gently over the tanned areas, leave it for 15 to 20 minutes, and then wash it off with cool or cold water.
Scrub # 4
To few drops of lemon juice, add olive oil and honey. Mix them well to a thick paste and gently apply it onto the tanned areas, leave it for 15-20 minutes and wash it off with cool water.
Scrub # 5
The combination of turmeric powder and gram flour makes a good scrub for sun tan. Take some gram flour, add turmeric power, and store it in a bottle. How to use the preparation? To the mixed ingredients, add few drops of water and make a thick paste out of it, gently apply it to the tanned areas and leave it for 15 minutes, and wash it off with cool water. The scrub removes sun tan as well as leaves you skin supple, smooth, and glowing.
Scrub # 6
Make a thick paste from oats powder and buttermilk. Massage it gently on the affected sun tan areas, leave it for 15-20 minutes, and wash it off with cool water. Better results if you can use it twice a day.
Scrub # 7
Everyone knows Aloe Vera gel is good for the skin, but did you know it can remove sun tan too. Add a pinch of turmeric powder to Aloe Vera gel, make a paste, and gently massage it over the tanned areas and leave it for 15 to 20 minutes, and then with cool water wash it off. Do it twice daily for better results.
Scrub # 8
The names cucumber and rosewater cools your senses. Here is how you make a sun tan remedy. Mix cucumber juice and lemon juice in equal quantities and add rosewater to it. Apply this cool mixture to your tanned areas and leave it for 10-15 minutes, wash it off with water.
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