Chris Rock, a famous comedian, said that women need three things: food, water, and compliments. Most men would agree that when it comes to compliments and sweet nothings, women can never have enough of it.
The more they get, the more they want! While that could be true, I remember my friend saying, “If you say the right things in an appropriate tone, they will do what you want.” The anecdotes and debates on this are endless. Whatever the case, the following is meant to give you an idea of different ways to verbally press her buttons by saying things women love to hear.
You look gorgeous!
Like we said earlier, if one could list down three things that women can't live without – they would probably be – good food, a wardrobe to die for, and hearty compliments. So, don't be stingy when it comes to wooing her with a shower of compliments. The more you give, the more you are likely to get in return. Examples of things women love to hear are: “You look incredible.” It is simple and effective. Every girl wants to hear this, particularly when she has gone some lengths to look nice.
You are the first woman in my life
Saying this would certainly assure your girl that you are a 'one woman man' and that you don't keep hopping from one girlfriend to another. This is bound to put her on a pedestal and it will prove to be effective particularly in a long-term relationship. Be careful not to flatter her. Say this only when you mean it so that she never questions your loyalty.
You are great in bed
This is sure to make her feel like a sex goddess and sweep away all the inhibitions she had about her performance between the sheets. Praising her performance in bed and telling her that she is simply irresistible, is sure to set the momentum for a sizzling act later. The more you elevate and understand her sexuality, the more willing she will be to explore her wildest fantasies. And don't just be grateful for every little effort that she puts to turn you on – say it aloud!
You'll make a great mother
Most women look forward to having kids, but also tend to doubt themselves when it comes to being a good mother. Saying this is bound to put her on cloud nine – particularly when her man thinks she has all that it takes to be a nurturing mother. In a way, you'll also be assuring her of your commitment and that you would like to bring up your kids with her.
Will you spend the rest of your life with me?
Most women tend to be ultra sensitive and by saying this you are bound to play music on the chords of her heart. You will also affirm to her that you are not just playing around with her, but are actually looking forward to spending your entire life with her. Tell her how incomplete your life would be without her and that she has now become an indispensable part of your existence. Don't be surprised if you find her smiling for days!
What do you think about ………….?
Ask for her opinion – whether it is about buying a new car or simply about what you should wear to office. By doing this, you are not just asserting that her opinion is important to you, but also that you respect her views. And if you are still in doubt, just remember that women love to express their views on whatever it may be – so let her speak for longer than you may want to hear and let her be the diva who knows it all!
You are my dearest friend
Want to assure her that you are the kind of man who's not just with her for her glam looks and her hourglass figure? Well, then all you need to do is to tell her that she is not just the love of your life, but also your dearest friend. Try to establish a connection beyond your sexual interest in her. This is sure to give her ego the much required boost and score you brownie points.
I am lucky to have you
Tell her that she is the only one for you. If not her, you would probably have still been single. Women love to be with men who are amiable and there is no better way to tell her that you are a true gentleman than to thank her for being the person that she is. Tell her that your life is beautiful only because she is a part of it. Don't be surprised if you find her blushing.
You know what's on my mind
Want to make her feel like a supreme goddess? Well, then all you need to do is tell her that she knows what's on your mind before even having to tell her. Whether it is preparing your favorite dish for dinner, buying a gift that you had wanted to buy for yourself or the intensity with which she turns you on in bed. Once she is convinced she knows you better than you do, she won't mind giving you more than you have asked for.
Be jealous
Being creatures of the natural world, women expect men to be the protectors in a relationship. Men need to show them how much we care by some gentle prodding demonstrating that you don’t want to lose her to anyone. Women love to hear you asking “where were you?” You don’t have to be suspicious, just enquire about her whereabouts from time to time. Or asking “who’s that guy?” Ask her this in a half joke half serious tone, and she will think it is cute that you are still evaluating the competition.
I love you
First we thought of not including this dialogue in this section. But then one of our editors, who obviously is a fine woman, almost kicked us and threatened to gag us if we do not include it. So here is the eleventh sweet thing. Even though you have said it in every possible way – women place much more importance to these three magical words. So, make sure you say it at the right place and the right time, but when she is least expecting it. Wondering why? Who doesn't love surprises? Especially if you are in a committed relationship, make sure you say it even more often.
I got very eager to pull out the above to test. Here’s I got from my wife.
Me: You look gorgeous!
She: Of course I look gorgeous. But you still have to do the dishes tonight. -
Me: You are the first woman in my life.
She: And let me assure you, I’ll be the last as well. -
Me: You are great in bed.
She: And you are great at the sink. -
Me: You’ll make a great mother.
She: I am a great mother – and hurry up with the dishes please. -
Me: Will you spend your life with me?
She: Do you think you have a choice? -
Me: What do you think about my new shirt?
She: Fantastic – now don’t soil it when you are doing the dishes. -
Me: You are my dearest pal.
She: And you are my dearest dishwasher. -
Me: I am lucky to have you.
She: Same here – how would I manage those dirty dishes without you? -
Me: You know what’s on my mind.
She: No, we haven’t run out of dish detergents yet. I have an extra box stacked away.
I didn’t have the guts to say anything further… Just went ahead and cleaned up all the dishes.
The whole idea of complimenting is to appreciate but words are not the only way. Your reaction to what she says or does tells her if you are interested or not. Your body language reveals your mind more often, and next time when she talks to you, look at her instead of the idiot box!
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