Boils are red, swollen, and painful It is caused by acute staphylococcal infection of hair follicle. It is also known as skin abscess. Generally a boil occurs on the inner thigh but it can also occur on face, armpit, back of the neck, throat, groin and buttocks.
Some of the causes of having a boil on inner thigh are a damaged hair follicle, weak immune system, infected sweat glands, harsh chemicals, poor hygiene, poor nutrition and chronic diseases such as diabetes.
We are all well aware of what a boil looks like, but we are not always sure about the type of boil. Boils may develop as a result of various possible skin conditions and dietary factors, but boils could at times be symptoms of a more serious infection. There are some warning signs that may alert you to the development of a boil as well as accompanying symptoms.
- Boils start off as a tender red nodule on any part of the body.
- As time passes the boil becomes bigger and firmer while the center gets filled with pus and is soft to touch. This also gives it a whitish appearance.
- The skin around the boil may also be painful and swollen.
- Boils may be itchy or painful.
- Boils can occur as a single eruption or a collection of boils over an area of skin.
- Swollen lymph nodes are another symptom of an infected boil.
Boils generally do not need medical attention and can be treated at home or left to resolve by themselves. However if you experience any of the following symptoms along with a boil or boils contact your doctor immediately:
- High fever and chills (especially in children).
- Severe pain.
- The skin around the boil becomes unbearably painful and swollen with red streaks.
- The boil does not drain even after a number of days.
- You suffer from other health conditions or illnesses such as diabetes, heart problems or any autoimmune disease.
- You are on medications such as corticosteroids or chemotherapy.
Natural Remedies
Warm Compresses: When warm compresses are applied on the affected skin area it increases blood circulation and allows the antibodies and white blood cells to fight the infection faster. Take a dry cloth and soak it in warm water, squeeze the excess water and press in over the boils. Do this repeatedly throughout the day until the boil erupts and the pus drains out completely. Finally you need to clean the area properly and apply some medicated ointment to avoid any kind of further infection.
Drink Water: You may drink around eight to ten glasses of water daily. Water helps in removing the toxins from the body through sweat and urine. Once the toxin level from the body is reduced, the boil will start healing faster.
Turmeric: Make a thick paste made out of turmeric powder and water and apply in on the boils from time to time. The anti-inflammatory properties present in turmeric will fasten the healing process.
Cornmeal: The good absorptive properties present in cornmeal helps in the quick treatment of boils. Take a spoonful of cornmeal and add it to adequate amount of hot water to make a thick paste. Apply the paste on the boil and then covered the area with a piece of cloth. Repeat the process several times a day until the boil erupts and the pus drains out completely.
Onion: Onion has got antiseptic properties that help a lot to fasten up the healing process of boils. Take one fresh onion and cut it into thick slices. Put the onion slices on the boil and wrap it with a cloth. Change the onion slices in every two to three hours. The juice of the onion when gets in touched with the infected area acts as an irritant as well as an antimicrobial. This helps to draw out the heat from the boil and soon it gets erupt. At the same time onion juice reduce the inflammation and give you huge relief from the pain caused by the boil.
Garlic: Garlic is also one of the most effective home remedies for boils treatment. Take two to three garlic cloves and crush it gently to extract its juice. Now with the help of a cotton pad apply the juice of garlic on the boil and cover the area with a piece of cloth.
Milk Cream: Take some fresh milk cream and apply it on the boil. This remedy will help to soften the skin surface of the boil and soon the head of the boil will break so that pus can flow out.
Bitter Gourd: To treat boils, take half a glass of fresh bitter gourd juice and add a few drops of lemon juice and a pinch of salt to it. Mix properly and drink this juice on an empty stomach for three to four days. This drink will help in killing the bacteria that causes boils and at the same time the intensity of getting infection will also get reduced. If you wish you can also apply fresh bitter juice on the top of the boil two to three times a day.
Betel Leaves: Take a fresh betel leaf and gently warm it until it become soft in texture. Now coat the betel leaf with some castor oil and then put it on the boil. Repeat the process in every three hours until boil opens up and the pus drains out.
Neem: Take the neem leaves and make them as smooth paste and add the pinch of turmeric powder to neem paste. Apply this paste on the skin boils. The neem and turmeric powder are the anti bacterial agents, kills the bacteria present at the boils and speed up the healing process.
Tree Tea Oil: Tree tea oil is the anti fungal and anti bacterial oil kills the boil infection causes and heals the boils in soon. Apply the tree tea oil to the boils for daily three times.
Diet for Boils
Your skin health is highly detrimental to the appearance of boils among other skin conditions and nutrition is crucial to the health of your skin. Try to stick to a diet that meets all your nutritional requirements. Vitamins like A, E, and C are particularly important to the health of your skin, so try and includes foods rich in these nutrients.
Foods high in sugar and fat should be avoided if you are prone to boils and skin abscesses. Simple carbohydrates can aggravate skin infections and worsen boils. Too much fat and sugar, as found in items such as cakes, chocolates, and white bread can also increase the risk of skin infections and boils in the future. Caffeine and caffeine products should be avoided as well as these can aggravate boils and worse their condition.
Preventive Measures
- Practice good hygiene. Wash your hands with soap to prevent bacteria from developing on the skin.
- Bathing regularly and using an antibacterial soap can also prevent hair follicles from getting infected.
- Regular skin exfoliation helps unclog sweat ducts and reduces the chances of boils forming.
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