
Your Favorite Color & Your Personality

colors of personality


A brown person has stamina and patience, tending to be very solid and substantial, conscientious, dependable, steady and conservative. Browns are not impulsive, and may be inarticulate and tactless but they love responsibility and are reliable and kind. If you choose brown, watch out for a tendency to be obstinate and inflexible.



The color of caution and compromise, diligent grays search for composure and peace and often work hard without reward. Older grays like life to run on an even keel with few ups and downs. Young grays may be withdrawing from life and suppressing their personalities. Grays often have good business ability and tend to work too much.


Dignified and impressive without being showy, black people want to give the appearance of mystery, but their preference may also indicate a suppression of desires and worldly aims, suggesting hidden depths and inner longings.


You are What You Wear

The way we dress is closely tied to how we feel, asserts Jennifer Baumgartner, psychologist and author of You Are What You Wear. Just like any other behavior — relationship behavior, sleep behavior, eating behavior — what we wear can be an indicator of what’s going on internally. There’s a constant conversation between the inside and the outside.

Upgrading what you wear can help you improve not just your self-confidence and self-esteem, but also the quality of your daily experiences. Want to appear powerful and sophisticated? Put on a jet-black suit or dress. Seeking peace and tranquility? An ocean-blue tie or top can help.

Studies have shown that fire-engine red has an especially intense effect. Men perceive women wearing the color as extra-amorous, and sports teams that wear red tend to be more confident and are more intimidating to their opponents. The colors you wear are going to impact the observer, but they’re also going to impact you. Choose colors you are attracted to.


selecting dresses

Check out these cultural meanings of color to find your perfect shade.

Red: The most passionate color, red signifies strength, excitement, love, sex, speed, leadership, power and danger. As you probably already know, it’s the color associated with desire and studies have shown that it not only makes others more attracted to you, but makes you feel more attractive while wearing it. When to wear: Amp up the passion with someone you love! But be weary of a first date or an important meeting at work.

Orange: Boost your energy with orange, which hums with enthusiasm, and playfulness, as well as balance. Wearing it often also suggests that you are competent and independent, though that you may be impatient. When to wearAs a team leader or when working with kids, such as a camp counselor.

Yellow: Sunny yellow is the color of happiness, optimism, idealism, hope and warmth. Use it in small doses, though — too much can raise your anxiety level. On a dreary winter day for a mood boost – for you and those around you!

Green: A symbol of nature, green personifies vigor, fertility, generosity, youth, luck and wealth. It can increase your feelings of positivity if worn correctly, but if not, it might be associated with sickness. Green is loved because it represents nature, and this is generally soothing and refreshing. When to wear: If you’re stressed out at work and just need a feeling of calm.

Blue: Find your tranquility with blue; it signifies peace, unity, harmony, confidence, loyalty, dependability, and calmness. Research shows it is a good choice for job interviews. It helps you to think creatively, and shows others that you are trustworthy. Navy blue is a commanding color, as it is both friendly and powerful.

Purple: The color of kings, purple projects nobility, regality, sensuality, spirituality, creativity and enlightenment. Wearing this color can boost your creativity and deepen your thinking process. Working on a big project for work or school where you need that one genius idea.

Black: A color that makes anyone feel stylish, black embodies modernity, sophistication and power. It is the color of mourning, but it is also known as the color of renunciation. While wearing, a person comes across as strong-willed and disciplined, but may also seem too independent and inflexible. When to wear: If you’re trying to make a statement, whether standing up for something, or putting your foot down.

Pink: Pink gives off an affectionate, loving air. It implies that the wearer is sympathetic and understanding, though it may also show some vulnerability. For men, it takes a certain level of confidence to wear pink, and that confidence will generally be appreciated by those around you. It is nice to wear when you meet your boyfriend’s parents.

Gray: Up your elegance with timeless gray, a hue that connotes respect, reliability, subtlety, and wisdom.

White: Classic white is the color of simplicity, purity, innocence, reverence, humility, and security.

Brown: The color of the earth, reliable brown symbolizes depth, richness, stability, and tradition.

Go ahead, color code yourself and get out in style with confidence wearing your favorite color!


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