Red Sandalwood Powder, also known as Rakta Chandana Powder/ Pterocarpus santalinus is a variety of sandalwood powder. It is dark maroon in color and doesn’t have any fragrance to it.
It is different from sandalwood powder. It is an antiseptic, wound healing agent. It is an age old effective remedy to fight acne, skin rashes, sunburn, blemishes and premature aging. It works equally well for skin and health care. Try to include it with every homemade face mask for its antiseptic properties.
Apply it for Glowing Skin
If you want to use it to get beautiful skin then you just need to take 1 spoon of red sandalwood powder with milk and apply it all over your face, neck and shoulder for 20 minutes or till it get dry and then wash it off with warm water, you will love the cooling impact of your skin and then will make your skin soft, sooth and glowing and you can use that every day if you want.
To get glowing skin you just need to mix 1 spoon of red sandalwood powder and 1 spoon of turmeric along with honey and some lime and apply over your face and let it get dry, wash it off with chilled water later on to get beautiful glowing face instantly .
Use as regular face pack
Dried out skinned men and women can mix red sandalwood using milk and honey to be able to pack that over your dried skin. Add two-three pinches of red sandalwood powder to any regular homemade/store acquired face pack.
Treat pimples
As we all know that it is loaded with anti aging, antibacterial and antioxidants properties, so you can use it to treat pimples and acne too and you just need to mix 1 spoon of red sandalwood powder with turmeric and apply that all over your face till it get dry completely and then wash it off with running water and you can use it every day if you want and if you mix it with rose water and apply on acne then it will work magically.
Remove Blackheads
Mix this red sandal lumber powder using rice powdered with required water to use as a facial exfoliating clean. After making use of the stick over your epidermis gently clean in spherical motion using finger guidelines. Wash with cold water.
Tighten Wrinkles
To get rid of acne scars and to tighten your skin, mix red sandalwood powder with cabbage juice and use it as a face pack. It will help you attain a skin free of wrinkles, freckles, fine-lines, dark spots etc.
Improves skin tone
Red sandalwood powder can be mixed with your bath therapeutic massage oil to improve the firmness and texture of your skin
Use it as a body spray
Dilute red sandalwood with water and spray this all over your body to minimize excess body heat. This process not just helps in balancing the body’s heat, but also stops skin transmissions.
Removes sun tan
Coming out from home during the day must have an effect of sun rays. There is a good chance that you will get a sun tan over your skin. It will work best when you make a combination with curd as well as cucumber.To remove suntan grate some cucumber. Add some rose water, curd and sandalwood powder in it. You can take equal quantity of curd and rose water and mix the paste thoroughly. Apply it on your face and let it stay for 20 minutes. This soothes the skin and helps in reducing stains.
Reduces oil secretion
A particular group of people suffers from excessive oil secretion. This is really irritating when you sweat during the summer season. Even the oils in your T zone are really hard to bring down. But with the pack of red sandalwood, it will be quite easy to reduce excess oils from your face and other parts of your skin. You need to make a pack with the sandalwood powder along with the lemon juice and apply it over your skin.
Cooling splash in summer
During summer, instead of using soap, you can use either red sandalwood powder or paste over your body to get soothing effect. All the microorganisms that are likely to affect your skin during the summer can be easily eradicated with the help of red sandalwood powder.
Red sandalwood has a wonderful property that can remove the stinks which you have developed throughout the day and give you a beautiful fragrance with fresh and rejuvenated feeling after taking bath.
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