Hypertension or high blood pressure is the most common health condition today, and it could be caused by smoking, salty food, obesity, stress and lack of sleep.
If you intend to treat hypertension and gain more benefits you should make some changes in your lifestyle. By regulating your blood pressure naturally with healthy way of life you will be able to lower, delay or completely avoid medications.
If you have problems with your blood pressure you should know that you are not the first one and you will not be the last one. In addition, you should also know what habits and factors are increasing the possibility of this health condition for you.
Alcohol, obesity, high levels of stress, lack of sleep, too much acidic and fatty foods, and smoking are some of the most important factors that may be pushing you towards high blood pressure. Also, if your family has history of this health condition, you should monitor your blood pressure often so as to be safe from further complications later in your life.
In this article you will be able to learn how to lower high blood pressure completely naturally and safely. This remedy comes from the Chinese medicine. Dr. Lu Hun Sen of the Moscow’s Soccer Club Spartak was the first one to present this remedy.
Point 1-2
This is a line that starts behind the ear cartilage, and stretches out to the middle of the neckline bone and is known as the yet line. You shouldn’t squeeze it or rub it. You should touch it gently with your finger tips, from the beginning to the end of the line. Iterate this process 10 times on each end of the line, and another 10 times on the other side.
Point 3
This line begins from the earlobe and goes directly towards the nose, where it ends. Also, there is another line that finds its end near your nose, ½ inch from the ear and begins from the face at the same height with the earlobe.
Massage on both sides of the line with your finger tips for 1 minute, but very gently.
You will have fantastic results with this method in lowering your blood pressure. The Chinese healers are claiming that this massage has amazing effects and regulates the high blood pressure very effectively. It will also help you to get rid of the whole lot of medications and allow you to manage this condition in a completely natural and safe way.
Image courtesy: top10md.com , clinicadrbalaguer.com , a7.com.ua