Does your bra look too small? Is your skin around the chest flapping out of bra lines? It’s time to burn some back fat and tone up your upper chest.
Bra fat refers to excess fat in the back area. The upper back area is not the most attractive place to carry extra weight. Covering up back fat and bra overhang is another challenge, so the best way to remedy this is to lose the fat and tone the area. Toning the back isn’t just about lifting weights, but a combination of fat-burning cardio, strength training, and core exercises.
Strong back muscles are not only key for an overall defined look, but they are your best defense against pain, injury, and poor posture for years to come.
EHC brings you videos of some classic strength moves to get rid of back fat and help you get rid of bra bulge and sculpt a strong, sexxy back, and shoulders. Happy watching.
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