The truth is no one wants to age though it is inevitable. Most people want to look years younger than they are and they are willing to take strange diets, surgery, and botox. The good news is that there are certain foods that can reduce the signs of aging. EHC has compiled a list of such foods. Read on.
Fiber is the most essential nutrient which is not mostly consumed by anyone these days. Fiber content is more in oats, which keeps you full and makes you eat less for the next meal, the weight gain in the middle age makes you look older, which can be prevented by consuming oats every day.
Thirty years ago, researchers began to study why the native Inuits of Alaska were remarkably free of heart disease. The reason, scientists now think, is the extraordinary amount of fish they consume. Fish is an abundant source of omega-3 fats, which help prevent cholesterol buildup in arteries and protect against abnormal heart rhythms.
Red Wine
Red wine is rich in antioxidants. Fermented foods are very good for digestion, as they contain lactic acid. Resveratrol is a famous antioxidant present in the skin of grapes; it helps in regeneration of brain and heart cells. Thus it is helpful in anti-aging.
Green leafy vegetables are high in nutrients; it has a pigment called as lutein which is generally present in green leafy vegetables that keeps you from aging.
They contain large amounts of antioxidants which are responsible for skin and brain care. The fiber content present in them helps in producing vitamins and minerals in the body which keeps you from aging.
Olive Oil
Studies have concluded that the monounsaturated fats in olive oil were largely responsible for the low rates of heart disease and cancer on certain parts of the world. Now we know that olive oil also contains polyphenols, powerful antioxidants that may help prevent age-related diseases.
Heart diseases can be prevented by consuming coffee, added advantage of coffee is that is keeps you away from diabetes though it has some drawbacks. Coffee must be mostly consumed without more sugar and cream which helps you in anti-aging and good health.
Corn keeps away from causing cancer; fiber content that is present in corn prevents the growth in cancer. A component called IP6 is present in the corn, helps in maintaining good health and killing the cells causing cancer.
Whole Grains
Carbohydrates that are present in the grains help in burning fats, the cholesterol levels are brought down by the carbohydrates in the grains. This helps in anti-aging and life moderation.
This cruciferous vegetable—full of phytonutrients that decrease inflammation—helps stave off lung, stomach, and other cancers. These natural chemicals also turn on tumor suppressor genes, which slow cell growth so that damage can be repaired. Eat it in everything from salads to frittatas.
This fruit packs a lot of pectin, a soluble fiber that helps prevent cholesterol buildup in blood vessels, reducing the risk of heart disease. Plus, their insoluble fiber helps keep your digestive system going strong. But don’t peel your apple—two-thirds of the fiber and lots of antioxidants are found in the skin.
Dark Chocolate
The digestion process can be retarded by consuming fewer amounts of dark chocolate, which makes you feel full. It boosts the process of metabolism that aids in burning fats and calorie. It helps us keep away from the heart diseases. Also helps in anti-aging by reducing calories in the body.
Making use of curcumin powder with vegetables, meat, or rice helps in preventing the blood vessels from the cells causing cancer, which keeps you healthy and fit and makes you look young.
Sweet Potatoes
They contain a compound called as lycopene which contains large amounts of vitamins helping the skin from ultraviolet damage. Consuming sweet potatoes leads to healthier skin and young look.
Vitamins like lycopene and beta-carotene are present in watermelon which plays a major role in healing the skin cells that are damaged when exposed to sunlight. Thus skin looks young.
Green Tea
Many researches and surveys have found that aging process has slowed down with few cups of green tea every day. It improves your DNA structure and also slows down the process of shortening of cells during aging. You can drink it either hot or cold or it can also be used as a refreshing base for stews and soups.
Black Beans
To help protect against colon and prostate cancer, you may want to up your legume intake. Dried beans, peas, and lentils are packed with dietary fiber, which helps speeds waste through the gut, wiping out any carcinogens that may have built up there. Beans are a rich source of folate, which helps repair damaged cells.
Note: If you are a smoker, the first thing you have to do to look young and healthy is to quit smoking.
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