In India alone, 4.5 million people are victims of diabetes. The main reason is irregular meal, mental stress, lack of exercise. For a diabetic, a healthy diabetes diet is the way to healthy living along with exercise.
Meal of a diabetic depends on calories of its contents, which is decided according to the person’s age, weight, height, gender, etc. Depending on each person’s needs, different dietary chart is created. We must take special care of time and amount of food in diabetes. EHC presents a general diet chart for diabetes patients.
Diabetes Diet Chart
6 am : ½ teaspoon fenugreek powder + water.
7 am : 1 cup sugar free tea + 1-2 mary biscuits.
8.30 am : 1 plate upma or oatmeal + half bowl sprouted grains + 100ml cream-free milk without sugar.
10.30 am : 1 small fruit or 1 cup thin and sugar free buttermilk or lemon water.
Lunch at 1 pm : Two rotis of mixed flour, 1 bowl rice, 1 bowl pulse, 1 bowl yogurt, half cup soybean or cheese vegetable, half bowl green vegetable, one plate salad.
4 pm : 1 cup tea without sugar + 1-2 less sugar biscuits or toast.
6 pm : 1 cup soup.
8.30 pm : Two rotis of mixed flour, 1 bowl rice, 1 bowl pulse, half bowl green vegetable, one plate salad.
10.30 pm : Take 1 cup cream-free milk without sugar.
When you feel hungry, eat raw vegetables, salad, black tea, soups, thin buttermilk, and lemon water.
Further Dietary Information
- Whole grains, oats, channa atta, millets, and other high fiber foods should be included in the meals. If one feels like consuming pasta or noodles, it should always be accompanied with vegetable /sprouts.
- Milk has the right combination of carbohydrates and proteins and helps control blood sugar levels. Two servings of milk in a daily diet is a good option.
- High fiber vegetables such as peas, beans, broccoli and spinach /leafy vegetables should be included. Also, pulses with husk and sprouts are a healthy option and should form a part of the diet.
- Pulses are important in the diet as their effect on blood glucose is less than that of most other carbohydrate containing foods. Vegetables rich in fiber help lowering down the blood sugar levels and thus are healthy.
- Good fats such as Omega 3 and MUFA should be consumed as they are good for the body. Natural sources for these are canola oil, flax seed oil, fatty fish and nuts. These are also low in cholesterol and are trans fat free.
- Fruits high in fiber such as papaya, apple, orange, pear and guava should be consumed. Mangoes, bananas, and grapes contain high sugar; therefore these fruits should be consumed lesser than the others.
Things to Do
- 35-40 minute quick walk every day.
- Diabetic person should eat food between times intervals like take breakfast in morning, lunch, some snacks, and dinner.
- Avoid oily food.
- Intake more fiber foods in meals. It increases glucose level gradually in blood and keeps control.
- No fasting and no frequent partying.
- Diabetic person should eat food slowly.
- Water therapy also helps to control diabetics
- Don’t skip breakfast. Take healthy diet.
- Avoid polished rice and consume brown rice. Brown rice releases carbohydrates slowly.
- Use olive oil and sunflower oil instead of other oils.
- Early to bed early to rise.
- Swallow food slowly and enjoy the eating experience.
- Avoid alcohol and tobacco.
- Avoid fruit juice. Take fruits directly.
- Avoid watching television during meals.
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