Sometimes as the day ends and dusk sets in, you get an odd feeling that the day was not yours. Don’t be vexed. You are not the only doomed one with this feeling. It happens to you, me, and all out there, but at different intervals.
The reason is simple. You get into this mode of feeling because your expectation of a fulfilling and satisfying day ended up in a zero. The fact is, if you go through the same monotony of life, day in and day out, it bores and bogs you down.
How you wish you could get out of this weird feeling, but don’t know, how?
We will help you out with the how? BUT we need your effort. You need to fine tune your present lifestyle; you need to add some exercises, meditate, read books, walk into the nature, think positive, and the most important of the lot, you have to rise early in the morning. If you are ready to bring in these small changes, please read on:
Get some extra time
Early to bed and early to rise; you have to reinforce this statement’s importance. If you are a late riser, fire up at least 5 minutes earlier every day for a few weeks; until this change becomes a habit for you. Try to add on more minutes to your early rising. The extra time you gain by this practice helps avoid unnecessary last minute rushing up, getting booked for speeding, getting caught in traffic, late to work, and other unnecessary impediments.
Beat the heat
Water is natural refreshment. Help yourself to a cool glass of this nature’s elixir as soon as you wake in the morning. It keeps you hydrated and energetic to function at your peak performance. Water helps flush out harmful toxics out of your body that you would have accumulated overnight. Drink water and stay fit.
Beat the boredom
Nothing matches a bout of exercise for an enriching mind, body, and spirit experience. Start exercising in the morning; it will increase blood flow to all your vital organs and also releases the neuro-chemical called endorphins in the brain that will keep you happy throughout the day. Exercise improves your ability to perform daily duties with zest and will help you keep away stress and fatigue. Regular exercise helps eliminate boredom from your life.
Release tension
Stretch yourself in the morning. It is an important part of fitness. Stretching your body helps with muscle flexibility and range of motion, increased blood flow to vital organs, increases your mental alertness and physical agility, and helps calm your mind. Stretch exercises done on a daily basis helps you meet your day head on.
Beat Monotony
As long as habit and routine dictate the pattern of living, new dimensions of the soul will not emerge – Henry Van Dyke. So, live life to the fullest. Be like, I hate routines. Every morning work on some riddles, play some crossword puzzles, try your hand on a game of Sudoku, and your day will never be the same again. Monotony will completely fade away from your life.
Think Positive
Wake up every morning with a positive outlook towards life. Think, see, and make an effort towards a living that is full of positive outcomes. Always imagine the day is going to be yours; whether it is clinching a deal, going for an interview, a date with someone you love, or for that matter anything. Learn from other people who have achieved great things, walk into the wilderness to get inspired, learn from the people who faced adversities with only positive thoughts and succeeded. Always think positive and success is surely yours.
You are who you are
It’s okay to be like that. You are who you are for a bigger reason. At times, there are certain things about you that you yourself don’t like. Always, remember that no one is perfect. Accept this fact and you will never regret. Always remember that your inner beauty is what counts and not what people percept about you. Live on your own terms; not someone else’s.
Life is simple, we make it complicated
The saying goes like this “life is simple, we make it complicated”. Likewise, fitting several things into your mornings and trying to finish them off at once will only add stress to your already bogged life. You should not try fitting meditation, exercise, cooking breakfast, and replying to emails etc to your mornings at one go. Your early rising in the morning was for a reason. The reason was to find time to do all the above said things leisurely and in a relaxed way. We hope you got the idea.
Foster good reading and listening habits
Every morning, try and make it a point to read books that inspire you and quotes that motivate you. Do this and it will help you move ahead into the day with zest. You have to read books that inspire to elevate your spirit and thoughts as well increase your knowledge base. Reading books help you overcome boredom. Also, listen to music that keeps you happy and relaxed.
You go ahead and do only those things that allow you to start the day on a positive note because your thoughts guide you; whether it is positive or negative.
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