You are a very important person and you are responsible for keeping yourself special and healthy. But people differ in their thought and approach towards hygiene.
Many of us do not care much about cleanliness. It is embarrassing and sometimes hard when boys and girls enter puberty because it is tough to keep your body clean. There are many ways we can take care of our bodies and keep them healthy. Through this article, EHC lists some ways to keep your body feeling and looking good. Some quick tips are as follows.
- Shower daily. This keeps bacteria, sweat, dirt, and sand from building up and causing body odor.
- Wash your face using soap. This keeps your face clean and not so oily and helps prevent acne or pimples from forming.
- Wash your hair using mild shampoo. It is the best thing you can do for your hair.
- You may shave your body hair if the hair is uncomfortable or choose not to if you do not want to.
- Wear clean clothes that you feel comfortable in. Dirty clothes make you look dirty.
- Wear clean underwear and bras. Dirty underwear can cause vaginal infection if worn too long.
- Keep your nails trimmed and clean. If you want your nails to be long, make sure you at least clean out the dirt that gets under your nails.
Have a laundry basket and throw your dirty clothes into that and when you have time, wash them at the end of the week or sometime.
Have a bag for makeup and a bag for body care so that you can carry shaving gel, shampoo, conditioner, moisturizer, casual mascara, eye-shadow, blusher, foundation, lipstick, etc.
Have a cream for acne – you never know when you are going to break out. Have a good perfume to use daily. Use deodorant when you are out and sweating much.
Keeping Your Private Body Parts Clean
Keeping your private parts clean and well-groomed gives you a fresh feeling that will please both you and your partner. Here are some tips for men and women on how to spruce up.
Groom yourself. The 70s are over, and untrimmed pubic bushes are either a sign that you are stuck in the past, or just don’t care. Either way, it is not a real plus for your partner, so trim it up. Do it before you shower so that all the trimmings are washed away.
If you have hair clippers, set it to a depth that suits you – 1/2 to 1 inch suits a lot of people. Trim carefully all the way around and under for a clean look.
No clippers? Use a pair of sharp scissors, and snip away evenly to a length that suits you.
Some people have taken to shaving the hair down there. If you and your partner favor this look, go for it.
Soak in a bathtub for a bit to soften the hair up. It makes it a lot easier to shave.
Trim with scissors before lathering up the shaving cream and pointing sharp objects at your privates.
Be careful. It is easy enough to nick yourself when shaving your face, and shaving is something you do every day.
Soap it up. When you shower, don’t go light on the soap while you wash your crotch.
If you are circumcised, taking care of your penis is pretty straightforward. Soap it up, rinse it off.
If you are uncut, clean under the foreskin. Neglecting this will cause a buildup of a whitish substance called smegma. It is harmless, but not something you want sticking around.
Scrub gently from tip to tail, and all the parts in between. And rinse thoroughly.
Some people enjoy a natural clean but not overly fragrant smell from their partner. When in doubt, it is a good idea to favor neutral over perfumed.
Package the package properly. Wear a fresh pair of underwear daily.
Keep your clean, unused undergarments in a cool, dry place. Whether you prefer boxers or briefs, make sure you dry them as soon as you wash them. Otherwise, you risk your clothes smelling worse than you (did).
Trim the hedges. If you have hair clippers, set it to a depth that suits you—1/2 to 1 inch suits a lot of people. Trim carefully for a clean look.
No clippers? Use a pair of sharp scissors, and snip away evenly to a length that suits you.
If you are going for the blade, soak in the bath for a bit to soften the skin and hair up. Things will go a lot more smoothly, and you will have a much more pleasant experience.
Some people have taken to shaving their pubic hair into a variety of interesting shapes and patterns. If you and your partner favor this look, go for it.
Note that when you shave, within a couple days it could get really itchy. Apply moisturizing lotion to minimize discomfort.
Wash daily. Cleanse and rinse the pubic region thoroughly.
Don’t use soap on your labia or in your vagina – this can lead to irritation and infections.
Rinse thoroughly, and dry well. You want to wash away soapy residue, both to get rid of the perfumed scent, and to inhibit bacterial growth of the unpleasant kind.
If you are on your period, change your pad or tampon regularly. Clean and rinse your pubic area after removal, and before replacement.
Always wear clean underwear.
Keep your clean, unused undergarments in a cool, dry place, and care for them well – make sure you dry them as soon as you wash them.
Extra Mileage
Use a moisturizer, especially after shaving, to keep your skin soft and smooth.
You may use baby wipes as they are for sensitive skin, and they will prevent odor.
You may substitute shaving cream with hair conditioner when shaving to avoid nasty cuts.
When you follow good personal hygiene, you help others too. By keeping clean you are not spreading germs to others and you are not making them sick. Clean habits make you feel good about yourself and it will have a positive effect on your mental hygiene too.
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