About EHC


Dear friends and well wishers,

Let me take a moment to thank each one of you for the continuous support, encouragement, and help you all extended towards Ethnic Health Court. In this page we will try to give you a brief better picture of Ethnic Health Court.

  • What is EHC (Ethnic Health Court) ?

Ethnic Health Court is all about Health. Ethnic Health Court tries to convey health related issues, its solutions, and quality life style in a simple and effective way. The focus here is on the content with supporting images or graphics. The content we are using here are as per our knowledge as health practitioners and the knowledge accrued from different sources in course of time. To share this knowledge, we chose Facebook as the medium. And now taking one more step. The EHC online magazine.

  • Why Online magazine?

Many of our regular readers find it difficult to get back the old posts from Facebook pages. Many readers came to us asking for the older posts, which in fact was difficult for us to get from Facebook even after scrolling down a lot. This was the time for alternative ideas. The suggestion of online magazine came from one of our regular readers, and many of our friends are helping out to make it live. This process involves money, and we were flabbergasted to see it coming from unexpected quarters.

  • Now, Why EHC?

This is the question at least some of you might have thought about. And of course, many had enquired about this too. Let’s be honest…

We are frustrated. Frustrated with the life around us. Every day we see poor, foodless & homeless, incurable diseases, mutant viruses, dirty politicians, unhygienic conditions, and a lot many other atrocities. We are concerned about our next generation, our children, your children, everyone… and in this helplessness, we are doing our bit by helping the needy.

We realized we have to do something more, something more than free treatment or giving money to orphanages. We decided to share our knowledge with our fellow beings, and we intend to continue it in all the best ways possible. The Ethnic Health Court is our way forward to goodness.

Dear reader, be with us for a better healthy tomorrow, for us, for our children, for everyone.


The Ethnic Health Court  ~ Forward to good health.


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