Arteries get clogged or choked due to the buildup of fatty plaque within it. Clogged arteries restrict blood flow to the heart as well as the brain causing heart attack or stroke.
Excessive smoking and drinking, consuming high-fat diet, and sedentary lifestyle etc., can cause clogged arteries. Diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol are the other contributors to clogged arteries.
Here are 8 home remedies that prevent clogging of arteries.
1) Fenugreek Seeds
Take 1 – 1-1/2 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds and allows it to soak overnight. The following morning, eat the soaked seeds and also drink the water on an empty stomach. Drink twice a day.
2) Ginger Tea
Take a cup of water, add grated ginger to it, and boil it. Allow it to seep for 5-6 minutes, strain it, add little honey, and drink it. Drink 1-2 cups a day.
3) Lemon, honey, and pepper
Squeeze one cut lemon into a glass of warm water, add little honey and black pepper, and have it. Drink 1-2 times daily.
4) Pomegranates
Take 1- 2 pomegranates, extract the juice; drink it 1-2 times daily. Eating 1 pomegranate fruit daily is also good for the arteries.
5) Asparagus
As you know, asparagus is loaded with all kinds of vitamins and minerals. It is also a good source of fiber. Eating asparagus daily helps prevent high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases. It also prevents clogged arteries.
6) Almonds and Walnuts
Eaten raw, these nuts provide many health benefits. Almonds provide a rich source of monounsaturated fats along with vitamins, fiber, and protein. Walnuts contain alpha-linolenic acid which helps maintain normal blood pressure and also prevents the arteries from clogging.
7) Barley
Consume barley to unclog the arteries. Barley helps smoother blood flow by removing any clogs in the arteries.
8) Garlic
The heart health benefits of garlic are well known. Consuming garlic helps reduce LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol). Eating 2-4 raw garlic cloves daily helps keep your heart healthy. You can also take garlic supplements, but only after consulting your doctor.
Other tips to prevent artery blocks
- Always stay away from processed foods as it contains fat in large amounts. It can increase LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) that causes clogged arteries as well as inflammation of the arteries.
- Sleep for at least 8 hours a day.
- Take at least an hour from your busy schedule to do yoga or meditation.
- If you smoke, gradually try and stop the habit. Smoking not only harms the lungs but also the heart, it also causes lung cancer.
- Try to be physically active. Walking, jogging, swimming, and aerobic exercises helps you stay healthy.
- If you drink alcohol, limit your intake. Chronic drinking can damage the liver as well as the arteries.
- Consume walnuts, almonds, berries, low-fat milk and yogurt, oatmeal, dark chocolate, avocados, and grapes etc to keep your heart healthy.
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